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Dinner with the SoCal Girls!

On Tuesday a few of us who worked together at South Callaway got together to catch up with one another and to hear all the news from school. From the right, Julia, Lola, Ashley, me, and Dana. Ashley, Dana and I all are working in different places now, but Julia and Lola are working at school. We had great food and Dana and I surprised the gals with small Christmas gifts. Dana made these great towels that are crocheted at the top to hang on your stove and I gave everyone a snowball ornament. A good time was had by all!

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  1. Sounds like a wonderful time with friends and I'm sure they were delighted with the gifts:-) Love that shot of all of you! xoxo

  2. Cute photo. Looks like you girls were having fun. I love time with my girlfriends.



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