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Master Gardener Sale!

With Ashley improving now, Bob and I decided to treat ourselves to a trip to the annual Master Gardener Sale. We have planted a lot already but we love to go and roam the plants, picking up some things here and there. Today we bought some more veggies for the garden and some flowers to fill in some vacant spots in our gardens.

An update on Ashley.... the drains are out and she is now only taking pain meds orally. The first words about going home today were muttered by the doctor this morning. Maybe on Sunday!

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  1. Good garden news ... and definitely good Ashley news!

  2. Happy to hear the good news about Ashley! It looks like you had fun buying up the flowers and veggies! We need a bit more warmer weather for that!!

    Happy May Day! :-)


  3. I'm glad that you were able to get out and do something fun!
    I hope that Ashley is released tomorrow... will keep praying!!!

  4. So happy that Ashley is on the mend. What a rough ride!

    The picture of You and Bob is awesome! I am glad you got a chance to get out and relax.

    Becky K.

  5. That's great news on Ashley! I love plant sales, you can always squeeze in a new plant or two!

  6. Wonderful news about Ashley. Bless her heart!

    Great pic of you and Bob.


  7. Oh hear it is! The news I was hoping to hear. Prayers continue for your sweet daughter and you and Bob as your worries continue.

    Love the picture with the flowers bordering your happy faces!


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