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Our gardens have been looking good this summer.  We have a few plants that just aren't happy where we planted them and that needs to be dealt with, but for now, we are mostly happy with our choices. 

The crepe myrtle seems very happy with its location, but the lilac does not.  We will try to replant the lilac in the fall.  The lilac is close to the dining area window and I was hoping for lilac scent to permeate the house this coming spring.  I am probably not going to see that happen.

Both crepe myrtles pictured here are the same one!
The stella d'oros did fine but the purple coneflower did not.  I will try them again as I really love the wild flower look and they typically bloom all summer.  One of my hydrangeas is great and the other nearly dead and they are side by side!!

The astilbe made it on one side of the firepit but not the other.  I love their feathery flowers so I will try them one more time.  Hopefully they will take this fall.

Our red flame maple made it on the third try, but one is leaning and needs to be straightened.  We wanted our landscape company to do it because we don't want to invalidate the warranty.  However, he's not come after a few attempts.  I am not sure what to do!

Plans for the fall:  plant some spring bulbs, replace the dead or dying plants, and add some outdoor lighting. 

The hydrangea to the left is the one who is unhappy.

My favorite piece in the garden!

The lilac is to the direct right of the set of windows.  Not happy, either.
The backyard was on the New Town garden tour in June, 2014.  It was fun to have our neighbors over and to have the pressure of a deadline to help us get it done! 

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  1. Oh that bottle tree is just gorgeous! Such fun to create it. Love the whole yard.

  2. Love your bottle tree!

  3. What a great yard Terri! Love that bottle tree!

  4. That bottle tree is wonderful! No need to worry about its flourishing! You were the first one to introduce me to Stella d'Oros and now I have a big beautiful patch if the Japanese beetles would leave them alone. They are actually on their second blooming. Hope that the landscaping company shows up soon to honor the warranty.

  5. I love the bottle tree! Yikes!! And your yard is just beautiful...it looks like it's cared for with love! :)

    Jane xx


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