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Lemon Chiffon Cocktail and Cooking Club

The women where I live are trying to put together a cooking club in our neighborhood after reading the blog post by Dana at The Kitchn blog.  Several women convened at my home on Saturday to discuss how this might work for us.

We decided to start by working with a group called The World Cooking Project, where chefs all around the world skype into your own kitchen and hold a cooking class right in your home!  We are going to meet with Katia from Italy and learn how to make pasta in a couple of weeks!

Two of us attended an event to see what The World Cooking Project would look like.  We met with a chef from India who was teaching us how to make naan.  It was great fun talking to Pulkit about his country and his food.

 When we met at our house, one of the gals brought this delicious cocktail to share with the rest of us.  Equal portions of vodka (4 oz) and lemon juice, sugar to take off the edge of the tartness of the lemon and soda to fill up the jar!  It really tastes like lemon chiffon.

I'll keep you posted as to the success of the cooking club!  Linking up to Grey is the New Black's Tipsy Tuesday Party!

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