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Top 5 Recipes of 2015

Jenny from The Jenny Evolution is hosting a party today where we each share our Top 5 Recipes for 2015.  Check out her blog for all the wonderful bloggers who are participating!

My numero uno recipe "topped" them all by a long shot!  This Shrimp Tomato and Bleu Cheese flatbread was so popular it ended up on another popular roundup!  That was a first for me!

My Roasted Banana and Black Walnut Bundt Cake hit the spot for a lot of folks.  This bundt is full of banana flavor and the walnuts just accent, not over power.  So good and I want some now!

Third on my list was the Lemon Confetti Bundt Cake.  Such a fun cake for a celebration, the lemon is a perfectly light lemon flavor and the confetti is sprinkles!  Delicious!

Fourth on the list is Wedge Salad.  This recipe appeared in a #SundaySupper post featuring Retro foods.  That post is fabulous for bringing back memories of foods from my childhood.  Jello salad, anyone?

Fifth on my list of five is the Tipsy Chocolate Cherry Cookies.  Oh my.  These cookies start with soaking cherries in cherry vodka.  Shall we say decadent?  They are and only for adults!

One of my goals this year is to investigate more decorative frosting.  I think a lot of my recipes would have been enhanced by some pretty work!  This awesome chart would be so helpful in knowing what tips to buy to get a specific effect.  I wanted to share it with you, too!

Source: eReplacementParts.com

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