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It's Friday and we're in Love with SALADS!

It's time for our weekly linky party featuring salads!  I just planted my swiss chard, spinach and cool weather lettuces and my mouth is literally watering right now!  I am eager to try some radishes, too, since there are such a big variety available these days.  I learned how to roast them and, oh my! Delicious!

What's not to love about a salad?   I always include the ingredients I like and leave out the ones I don't and I always have a great salad!  What other recipe can you leave out ingredients and still turn out a great product?  It's a cook's dream!

I am in love with this Ramen salad!  Takes me back to my poor college days but with a much more sophisticated twist.  Doesn't it look delicious?   Sunny Day Family has the recipe here!

This apple/green bean salad looks so fresh and inviting!  What a fabulous side dish with a smoky BBQ!  It's on my list for this summer.  You can find the recipe at Lettuce Eat Cake.  Isn't that a darling blog title?

This creamy cucumber salad reminds me of the one my grandmother used to make in the summer, when cucumbers were all over the place!  Refreshing and so good for you!  Go and see the recipe at Castle View Academy.

I had to feature this Egg Salad by Nemcsok Farms because of Easter being around the corner!  What to do with all those boiled eggs, right?  Delicious!

Check the links below for other great salads!  Check out the Breakfast Salad that I make if you want to see something really different!  Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. Yum!! I need to try a few of these recipe ideas soon.

  2. Those are all great. My favorite to serve when the kids are here isthe crunchy coleslaw salad nwith ramen noodles in it...sunflower seeds....carrots....onions...just SO good. Now I am hungry for some. lol xo Diana


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