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Halloween in New Town

I can feel the excitement in the air here in New Town!  We are a Halloween destination in our community of St. Charles.  Literally van loads of kids and parents will come to our neighborhood to collect goodies and tell a joke.  You didn't know about the joke part? It is a tradition in St. Louis to tell a joke when trick or treating. It is so fun to hear kids tell them!

In the past years, we have had between 100-150 trick or treaters but this year I am expecting many more.  Why?  Our neighborhood has boomed in the past year with at least 30 new homes.  Last Halloween the street beside me had one home.  Now there are 10!  Our street had three vacant lots and now those are all filled with new homes.  So now, instead of being the last house on a long street, I am the middle house of a long street.  The numbers could be huge!

Here are some fun photos of the decorations for Halloween.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!  Please note:  These photos came from the 1/4 section that I live in!  The rest of New Town has lots of wonderful decor, too!

Isn't this fun?  Halloween isn't even in my top three of favorite holidays and yet, who couldn't love all this festive-ness?  Happy and safe Halloween to you all!

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