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Are you on the Naughty or Nice List?

I think it is fair to note that I am on Santa's NICE list! See for yourself:

The Official "Naughty or Nice" Ranking
for Terri: Nice (B+)

Dated this Saturday, November 25, 2006
At The North Pole

Merry Christmas Terri!

Way to go Terri! Your halo may be a little bit crooked but you're definitely on Santa's "Nice List"! Mrs. Claus and the elves sure do look forward to hearing how you're doing!

Keep up the great work, Terri!

Merry Christmas!

Important Notice: A certified copy of this "Naughty or Nice" ranking has been placed in a special high-security vault in the offices of Santa's accounting firm of "Elf, Elf & Galoshes" and cannot be removed until Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas!

You can find out for yourself by going to: http://www.christmassantaclaus.com/naughty_nice.asp

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