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Lab-Grown Diamonds - Interesting Facts and Things to Know


Whether or not you’ve heard about them before, lab-grown diamonds are a reality on the current jewelry market, and are shaking things up in a major way right now.

To help you understand more about them, here’s a look at some head-turning info on manmade diamonds, so that you can impress your friends and make informed purchasing decisions as well.

What are Lab-Grown Diamonds?

The first thing to know is that lab-grown diamonds are identical to mined diamonds in every way. They have the same physical and chemical properties of diamonds dug up from underground, only they’re created through advanced technology instead of being extracted in an energy and labor-intensive way.

The process involves simulating the conditions that create diamond crystals by using high pressure and heat (HPHT) or Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD). This is why lab grown gems have become increasingly popular among jewelry lovers looking for modern, eco-friendly options when buying precious gems.

Lab created diamonds can be found at many jewelers today, so it's easy to find something special without breaking your budget. This includes from brands like VRAI, where you can purchase lab created engagement rings that leave you with a clear conscience, as well as a piece that will last a lifetime and beyond.

HPHT and CVD Explained

As mentioned, there are two distinct methods available for producing manmade diamonds, each with its own quirks.

HPHT is the most common of the two, and has been around for the longest time. In this process, carbon atoms are compressed under extreme pressure, with temperatures reaching up to 1,500 degrees Celsius in order to create a diamond crystal.

This replicates the conditions in which mined diamonds are formed, but rather than taking millions of years, it takes a matter of weeks instead.

Meanwhile, CVD works by breaking down hydrocarbon gas molecules into their basic atomic components, which then form a diamond layer by layer inside a specially designed reactor chamber.

This sounds a little more complex, but the end result is the same as HPHT, in that you get a lab-grown diamond that is identical to a mined diamond, without the expense or outlay of resources.

The History of Lab-Grown Diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds have been around since the 1950s, with researchers at GE undertaking an appropriately-named initiative known as ‘Project Superpressure’ that lasted more than a decade before it bore fruit.

As you might have guessed, it wasn’t until much later that manmade gems became an alternative to mined diamonds, because the early processes involved needed to be refined significantly. 

Moreover, scientists were effectively using a trial and error approach in order to come up with the right combination of techniques, as well as the correct implementation of temperatures and pressure settings to get the desired results.

The good news for consumers is that the technology behind the production of these diamonds has come a long way in recent years, and we’ve reached the point where they have eclipsed mined gems in every conceivable metric, from price to availability. So you can save money and stick to your sensibilities at the same time.

The Future of the Laboratory Grown Gems Industry

It should be obvious that there are a few key reasons behind the rise of lab-grown diamonds. As technology advances, these manmade gems will continue to be produced in larger quantities and become more affordable, making them ideal for jewelry lovers looking for a cutting edge alternative when buying their next piece.

From engagement rings to necklaces, from charm bracelets to wedding bands, you can expect to see even more diamonds grown in a lab on jewelry products going forward.

In fact it’s not impossible that we’ll eventually reach the point where mined gems are rarely sourced or chosen, because it’s simply more practical and desirable to forge diamonds in a foundry, rather than going to the trouble of digging them out of the deep deposits where they lay dormant.

Another advantage worth talking about in this context is that being able to generate diamonds in lab conditions makes them more accessible globally, as manufacturing facilities can be set up in different countries to serve domestic jewelry markets. This is an additional aspect which makes manmade gems more environmentally sound, and gels well with the sensibilities of consumers today.

Tips for Caring For Your Lab Created Diamond

Like any piece of jewelry, it’s important to do your bit to look after a diamond, whether it has been mined or created in a lab.

Most importantly, never use harsh chemicals when cleaning gems, because this could have an adverse impact on them and the materials that they are set in. Warm water and dish soap should be more than enough to battle grime and dirt, without leaving a trace behind

Also, always make sure that they are stored securely in individual velvet pouches away from other jewelry pieces, so they don't scratch each other's surfaces over time. Lab-grown diamonds are incredibly tough, just like mined gems, which means they can damage softer materials like precious metals.

Finally, consider getting additional insurance for any valuable items you own, including lab-grown diamond jewelry. If you’ve already got a home insurance deal, check if it gives you enough cover for any precious pieces you pick up, because you don’t want to be left in the lurch if you ever need to make a claim.

Final Thoughts on Lab Grown Diamonds

If you’re wondering whether manmade gems are going to be a good choice in the long term, fear not. They have already proven their worth on the modern market, and will remain a valued asset for any buyer going forward.

Moreover if you pick a piece of jewelry that is meaningful to you because of its design, and because of what it symbolizes, then you really don’t need to be worrying about what it is made of or how it was manufactured.

With all that in mind, you’re now in a good position to pick between different jewelry made with lab created gems, and get the perfect piece while keeping your conscience clear.

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