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Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Wedding Venue


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Choosing a wedding venue can feel like such an overwhelming experience that can be so difficult to get right. However, it can often help to think in terms of what can go wrong. This way, you are better able to avoid the common problems that easily crop up time and time again. Taking this into account, here are just a few of the main mistakes that you need to avoid when picking a wedding venue.

Making it too difficult to access 

While a dream wedding in the middle of nowhere may well feel like it is the perfect choice, you can also find that it is so difficult to access that it puts off your guests. Not only this, but if there is no accommodation within easy access, it can cause a whole host of headaches. Plus, you will have to think about logistics such as taxis or other transportation. Ultimately, it is a good idea to get the balance right between convenience and an ideal setting.

Not planning out your guestlist beforehand 

The problem with not thinking about your guestlist well in advance is that it is all too easy for you to choose a venue that is simply the wrong size. Too small and you may find that everyone is crowded in or you are in danger of exceeding the capacity entirely. Too big and you may find that the place looks half empty which can end up spoiling the atmosphere. Once you have a better idea of the number of guests that you are expective, it is then going to be easier to pick a wedding venue accordingly.

Failing to consider your budget 

While your wedding venue is bound to eat up a big chunk of your budget, you still need to be careful about what you are spending on it. It is not going to be the dream venue if you don’t have enough left over to have proper entertainment or a high-quality dining experience. Managing what you have to spend on your wedding is a tricky balancing act and one that is worth making sure you get right in all areas.

Not negotiating the package 

Wedding venues are generally able to provide all sorts of different packages. However, rather than simply picking one off the shelf, you should make sure that it is tailored to your needs and exactly what you are looking for. You would expect to have some level of flexibility built in here to ensure that you can choose a venue that fits around your expectations rather than the other way around.

Not picking the right time 

The timing of the wedding can make such a difference to how much it costs. Generally, wedding venues tend to be at their most expensive during the weekends and the price is also likely to be more expensive during the summer months. If you are able to compromises in either one of these areas, you are much more likely to grab yourself a better deal.

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