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Victory over Obesity!

I have struggled with obesity since my mid 20s. I recently tackled losing this weight, once and for all. With the guidance of Jefferson City Medical Group Weight Treatment Center, I lost 80 pounds. I am struggling with body image, as I cannot "see" the weight loss on me but I am assured by friends and family that its there! I feel like I am accepting an Oscar, so I would like to thank so many people who supported me: Bob and Ashley who put up with me trying everything they ordered so I wouldn't feel left out, Gary for the jump start, girls from GLU, JUG and GF who put up with a weekly report on the amount of weight I lost, Ashley A, Darla, Paul, Diana and Dana who supported me fully at school, my mom who encouraged me by reminding me that health was a person's number one asset and last but not least, I'd like to thank myself for doing this terribly hard thing.

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