Back in January Ashley was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. Since then she has been in the hospital four times. Each time with terrible pain, same location, growing in intensity.
On Monday I took her to the ER when she had reached her tolerance for the pain she was in. She looked at me and said, "Let's go, momma. I am tired of being in pain."
How that raked my heart!
We went to the ER and I watched her continue to suffer. It seems that this hospital just isn't able to acknowledge and do something about the pain until it gets so bad that I have to go out to the nurse's station and open up a can of whoop ass on someone to get something done. Finally a doc comes in (TWO HOURS after the first request) and then things start to happen.
The CT exam showed a tennis ball sized abscess in her lower right intestine. The source of the pain had been identified... that is until they took her down to put a drainage tube in it. Then Ashley realized that the source of her pain was the actual doctors! She said she was awake during the whole procedure, that she told them she was in pain, crying out, and that she was ignored. She came back to the room in pain and so upset. Bob was beside himself.
I don't think Ashley would think it is funny to call her abscess Andre Agassi, but something the size of a tennis ball that is that big of a pain in the ass makes sense to me.
I am always looking for the silver lining... Ashley's ER visit was in the pediatrics wing! Proves she is still my "little girl!" The photo above came from the room she was in!
PS. I rarely use words of an unseemly nature on this blog... forgive me if this time I offended you!
It is soooo much harder to watch our children suffer than to be the patient ourselves. Hugs to both of you and I pray that Ashley is feeling much better now.
ReplyDeleteDoes this change the diagnosis?
Becky K.
Oh my goodness!! At least they were able to find something, and hopefully she will be much better from now on.
ReplyDeleteNo offense taken, Terri. I've had to open that same can a time or three and totally understand!
ReplyDeleteI hope Ashley is better soon. It breaks a Mother's heart to see our children suffer, no matter the age.
Wow - I cannot image what she went through - that had to be tough! I'm glad they found the problem, though....
ReplyDelete...and no offense - I have to use words too, sometimes! :)
You could never offend me ... especially when it comes to a child and a child in pain. Glad to know they did find the source of the pain but really frustrated for all of you during the process. No excuses for what happened.
ReplyDeleteMy sister in law many years ago gave up on JC doctors with her crohn's. she went to the Mayo clinic, had surgery and lives with it very well now.
ReplyDeleteOh Terri. I am so sorry. What a horrible thing for her to endure and you and Bob to go through as her parents.
ReplyDeleteLet her know that I'm sending a little prayer her way...and one for you, too, along with a gentle hug.
You said "ass"... heh heh:)
ReplyDeleteI sure hope things turn around for Ashley. I'm glad that they identified the source of pain. Hugs!
I hope Ashley is feeling better soon! On another note, if you were at Boone Hospital our family has recently experienced very poor care there. My brother-in-law (this happened about 3 weeks ago)had emergency surgery after he had already been there for nearly a week. They found that his appendix had ruptured probably a week before and gang green had set in and they had to remove part of his colon!!!! He nearly died!!! My uncle was sent home after having some tests run and told he was just getting old. Went to KU and was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer!! WTH!!!! We place all of our trust in the medical profession - and this is how we get treated????!!!! Sorry to rant, but this seems to be happening more frequently. I do hope and pray that Ashley will be seeing sunnier days ahead!
ReplyDeleteGirl, you whoop all the ass you need to whoop!!! You are her Mama...of course you are going to do whatever it takes to make her better. I am so sorry Ashley has to go through this. Sending lots of prayers and hugs to all of you!!! xoxo
ReplyDeletePoor Ash...same thing happened to Dwen when they put his drain tube in...they didn't wait for the meds to work before cutting! Saying many prayers for all of you!
ReplyDeleteHi Terri, I hope your daughter is feeling better..I hate to see anyone in pain but to see a child in pain is just aweful...I would have thought they would give her some kind of pain meds...My husband went to the ER for kidney stones and that was one of the first things they did...Crohns disease is much worse than kidney stones. Take care, Hugs, Jennifer
ReplyDeletePoor Ashley, I do hope she is feeling much better by now! It's so hard for us parents to see our children in pain and I'm glad that you finally opened up that can of whoop ass to get someone to look after her!!! hehe It's terrible how some ER's don't do anything for pain immediately. When my son Corey broke his arm (his upper arm bone was completely broken in half), he lay on a cot in ER for 16 hours before they finally operated on him. I was fit to be tied, he was in so much pain. I should have opened up the same kind of can you did! lol xoxo
ReplyDeleteI hope your daughter is feeling better. I think that doctors often refuse to believe women when they say they are in pain. Or they think we're exaggerating it.
ReplyDeleteHa, I just knew you were at the UNIV Hosp even without seeing the tiger, I just knew. The care they gave my hubby when he had his heart attack was pitiful at best. I still go there for gyno stuff, but just the thought of it makes me cringe. I bet you did feel terrible for her. Bless her heart. Hopefully things will get better.
ReplyDeleteBless her heart. Good grief. I don't blame you for getting upset...at all!
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing?
What language? I didn't see no bad language.
ReplyDeleteOh my heavens! I'd have been beside myself. This just sounds so rough for all of you. Ashley will certainly be in my prayers for a healing.
Hope that you find a doctor and a hospital with a lot more compassion than that one!
I wish your daughter wellness and speedy healing.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Vee, you must find a hospital and doctor that will give you and yours the care that you deserve. There is nothing worse than receiving sub-par care and then the facility wants you to pay for the sub-par service!
By the way, I was reading "that those with Crohn's Disease should switch to a vegan
diet balanced with raw foods. All meat and dairy products should be cut out of the diet. Refined starches and grains should be entirely avoided."
I found that information here: http://www.dherbs.com/articles/chrons-disease-149.html
Peace and blessings.
By the way, I found you via The Pleasure of Homemaking blog.
A situation like this needs strong words. If somebody is offended, so be it. Ashley and all of her family will continue to be in my prayers. Stay strong!
ReplyDeleteTerri, mercy, I am just seeing this. I cannot imagine how awful this was for Ashley, you and Bob. Please know I am sending out my prayers right now.
ReplyDeleteI have several nurse friends and they all say...if you don't have someone looking out for you in a hospital....God help you.
Hi sweet friend! Thinking of you and was hoping to see an update. I hope all is okay.