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Pinterest Trial: Creamsicle Ice Cream

This week I wanted to make some ice cream because it is on my summer bucket list.  This orange ice cream has caught my eye more than once.  I liked it mainly because it has two ingredients: orange pop and condensed milk. 

 Mix the two ingredients together well.  I ended up having to skim the top before I poured it into the ice cream maker.  The ice cream maker worked for about 30 minutes until the ice cream was soft set.

 Here is the mixture before pouring into the ice cream maker.

 The mixture right before we cured it in our refrigerator freezer.  I like to sneak a bowl at this stage when it is still soft.
I thought it was fitting that the sun was a orange color tonight.  A light and refreshing dessert!

I analyzed the recipe:  2 c contains 123 calories, 25 g sugar, 0 fat, 57 mg sodium.

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  1. It looks yummy. It even sounds yummy. Is it?

  2. Oh that looks and sounds delish! Wish I had a bowl right now.

    I hope your 4th was good. Ours was rainy...very rainy :-(



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