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Breakfast Cookies

This is probably the first time since I was 10 that I didn't order Girl Scout cookies. Thin Mints remain my all time favorite cookie in the whole wide world and I usually buy a few boxes to have in the freezer as that is my favorite way in the whole wide world to eat them. I love cookies in general, their small size is easy to carry around in your purse, they come in all kinds of delightful flavors and you can dunk them in milk. Nowadays my milk is Almond Breeze and I am trying to squash my desire for Thin Mint cookies with these yummy sounding Breakfast Cookies. I found the recipe on Pinterest and have been meaning to try them when I had a couple of overripe bananas. I would forget to tell Bob that I wanted to keep the bananas and at some point he got tired of having them in the fruit bowl. Today, with the snow day, I decided to beat Bob to the fruit bowl and bake up a batch of these cookies.
I baked the cookies longer, about 35 minutes, to get the crispiness I wanted. They are delicious dunked in (almond)milk, hot de or cocoa or just by themselves.

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