You've probably seen that post floating over Facebook about making Easter egg dyes out of natural ingredients. For this Pinterest Challenge, I decided to give them a try.
The ingredients start off simple enough: 1 quart of water, 1 T salt, 2 T vinegar and 2 T of a natural color dye. Bring all that to a boil, reduce heat and let steep for 30 minutes. Remove solids, and then ladle the colored water into a mug. Add an egg and let set for 20 minutes, or longer for a deeper color.
We tried parsley, spinach, beets, coffee, saffron, tumeric, blueberries, red cabbage, red wine and saffron. Not all the colors turned out well, but some were quite pretty. I would consider this a success but I would probably not do the red wine one again.
Now let's see what other things Pinterest inspired! Head over and visit the other hosts to see what they crafted, cooked, built, or tried!

Erlene - My Pinterventures • Shirley - Intelligent Domestications
Jenny - Cookies Coffee and Crafts
Joanne - Our Unschooling Journey • Magen - The Kusi Life
Roseann - This Autoimmune Life • Kelli - The Olympic Nest
Lynne - My Family Thyme • Beverly - Across the Blvd.
Debra - Shoppe No. 5 • Pili - My Sweet Things
Laurie - My Husband Has Too Many Hobbies • Kristie - Teadoddles
Julie - Sum of their Stories • Gwen - Geez, Gwen!
Marie - The Inspiration Vault • Candice - Fearlessly Creative Mammas
T'onna - Sew Crafty Crochet • Kenyatta - My Design Rules
Cherryl - Farm Girl Reformed • Lisa - Blogghetti
Micah - Home Faith Family • Kelley - Simply Inspired Meal
Lauren - Mom Home Guide • Deborah - Salvage Sister & Mister
Gail - Purple Hues and Me • Terri - Our Good Life
Lauren - Wonderfully Made • Sue - A Purdy Little House
Toni - Small Home Soul • Maureen - Red Cottage Chronicles
Marci - Stone Cottage Adventures • Michelle - Our Crafty Mom
Emily - Domestic Deadline