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Accidents Happen, #NaturesMiracle to the Rescue #ChewyInfluencer

I was given this product for free in exchange for our honest opinion.

This post is going to be all about Truman.  Not that I don't want to talk about Wilson, but Wilson rarely has accidents at home.  Wilson is potty trained.  Good dog.

The thing is, I think Truman is potty trained too, but he uses his wetting like a weapon. It seems that he urinates when he is angry or stressed about something we did.  Like, putting him in his carrier for the day, or not letting him run through the house, or bark at the UPS man.

Puddle.  On our hardwood floors.  TRUMAN!!!

It is hard to be mad at this face, though.  We do scold, but we aren't sure the message is getting in, especially since we think he waits until our back is turned to do it.  

Nature's Miracle gives you a product to use to be sure that the contaminant is cleaned thoroughly without harming your floors.  It is a miracle for us and I wanted all of you with pups to know.  It works on stains and on new accidents.  It doesn't have to be rinsed off either.  Just a one step deal, spray, wait a sec, and wipe.

The area smells fresh and clean.

Could you yell at this face??

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