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The Road Home by Beverly Lewis #ourgoodlifebooklist

I received this book for free in exchange for my honest review.

The Road Home by Beverly Lewis is a bit different from her other Amish books.  Beverly Lewis has been called the Queen of Amish fiction and the title is rightfully earned, but this book is much different that her others.

First, the main character, Lena, leaves home, separating herself from her siblings when her parents are killed tragically and the elders determine this is the best way to care for the family.  Knowing, from Beverly herself, how the Amish value family, it is with great sadness that I see the elders split up this family, particularly when the youngest is just starting his first year of school. Lena goes far away, to far to return home even for the holidays, when there is a blizzard where she lives.

Then, the love of her life, the boy she left behind, eventually breaks contact with her, and Lena learns through her sister, that he has started seeing another Amish girl. The two of them break their relationship and each goes a separate way.  In a year that is full of the worst suffering ever, this happens, too.  

The story's dark themes are relieved by several characters in the book.  Mimi, Tessa, and particularly James Zook, add dimension and depth to the story.  Given the circumstances, the book tends to move slowly as Lena works her way through grief of her parents' passing, leaving her home and family, and her future being crushed.  These characters give her strength through unconditional love, their acceptance and recognizing the value Lena brings to the community.

The book ends well and I truly miss reading about Lena.  That's what Beverly Lewis does best, draws you in, develops her characters into wonderful people with good hearts, and seasons it all with scripture.  If that sounds like something you'd like, I recommend you get this book here!!

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