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unGlue, the App

I was given this app to review and to share my honest opinions about it.

Ok, I'll be honest.  When I was first contacted by unGlue, I was a bit overwhelmed.  There are so many apps out there, all trying to get a piece of the app pie. I will admit, the name of the app grabbed me, so I decided to go and take a look.

I was astonished at how quickly I became a FAN.  

This is no ordinary app.  Take a quick minute to watch this video: (it's about 2 and 1/2 minutes long)

Can you see why I was so amazed?  This app works with parents and kids to create limits on screen time TOGETHER.  AND, there is a way for kids to get more screentime BY DOING EXTRA CHORES.  What?? Teaching good work habits, too??

You can see more at their website at unGlue.  There is a lot to see and learn.  I know, I have spent a lot of time learning about this app.

Here's a sneak peak at what a parent and a kid would see on their devices:

This is the screen that shows kids how many steps they took. This encourages kids to get outside and play!

This is the screen that allows kids to pick chores for extra screen time
The parents have some interesting screens as well.  These are but a few of them, but ones that I found interesting and informative.

This shows what restrictions you have placed for each child. You can individualize the time allowed, or remove the opportunity for screen time as needed.

This is the screen that shows how much time you want to give to your kids based on the chores they do.  Nothing like learning that time is a currency, spend it well!

Now the very best part.  This app is highly researched and developed by a great team at unGlue.  The app isn't free, but it is definitely worth the cost. To make that cost a little easier, use this discount code: OurGoodLife10off

Parents, summer is just around the corner.  Who wants to be fighting for screentime with their kids? Get this app now, learn how to use it, and make your summer hassle free!

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