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Fall Garden Color

Most of you know that fall is my favorite season.  Football, hayrides, Halloween, Thanksgiving, my birthday, my daughter's birthday... all fall favorites!  You can indulge in your love of all things Fall by heading over to the  Fall Garden Blog Hop!  Don't let the title fool you, there are many fun fall things to see here!

It is about the time to start planning for your fall outdoor color.  In Missouri, we will start to see the beginning of cooler mornings and that is when I like to start planning for my fall color.  Our backyard already has the makings for great fall color with these plants:

Autumn Flame Maple

This lovely tree lines the streets in my neighborhood and we have one in our backyard.  It is so pretty in the fall, as you can see!

Burning Bush

We've had burning bush in every house we've owned.  The nice green foliage makes a pretty background for your summer annuals and then....you get that bright red leaf at the end of summer/early fall.  It's amazing and quite beautiful.  Planted together as a hedge, wow, it's gorgeous.

Oakleaf Hydrangea

This hydrangea isn't spectacular during the spring/summer months, it has a white, cone shaped flower head that is tinged in lime green.  It's pretty, not spectacular, like it's pink and purple cousin.  In the fall, though, it really shines!

We also planted a butterfly garden this summer, and should get some great autumn color from our milkweed and meadow blazing star.

In addition, we will add color with potted mums and pumpkins, but those will come later, when the weather turns cool at night and warm during the day.  What do you do to add fall color in your garden?

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