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Food 'n' Flix: Failure to Launch

Welcome to 2016 and Food 'n' Flix.  Food 'n' Flix is a monthly group who watches a film and gets inspired from the movie to cook something!  This month we are hosted by the lovely Amy from Amy's Cooking Adventure.  Go and visit her site sometime.  You will be drooling by the second word.  Yep, it's that good.

First a bit about the film:  Failure to Launch is a hilarious look at a thirtysomething man who still (willingly and happily) lives with his parents.  The cast is to die for, Sarah Jessica Parker, Matthew McConaughey, Kathy Bates, Terry Bradshaw, Bradley Cooper, and Zooey Deschanel.  The premise of the movie is that Al and Sue, the parents, want their son, Tripp, to move out of their home.  They hire Paula, a professional at getting grown sons to move out.  She guarantees her work and assures the family that the son will soon be out.  What she doesn't account for, as it has never happened before, is that she falls for the son.

For a movie NOT about food, the movie offers plenty of inspiration, with restaurant scenes, cooking scenes, and family dinners. The scene that got my attention and the inspiration for this recipe, is when they are all at the ball park and the boy asks for ice cream.  I have beeen wanting to create a ice cream that I can have that doesn't send me into a sugar high, so I create the "Launch Pop."

Launch Pops

2 envelopes of Weight Watcher vanilla smoothie powder
1 scoop protein powder
2 T sugar free chocolate pudding
1 1/2 cups sugar free almond milk
1 c crushed ice

Put all ingredients into a blender and pulse until smooth.  Pour into individual Dixie style cups.  When partially frozen, insert stick for handle. Continue to freeze solid.  To eat, peel paper away from pop and enjoy!

The movie ends the way I hoped it would, and I think you will enjoy it, too.

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