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Old Fashioned Peach Pie #tastecreations

The lovely bloggers at Taste Creations are sharing their pie recipes with you this month!  We know you are thinking about the pies on your fall tables, so we wanted to share our versions with you so you have time to try them out for yourselves.  We gotta know if the pie is good, right?

I've been crazy about everything peach related this summer, so I am sharing with you an old, old recipe for peach pie. It's the classic peach pie with the sweet filling.  I shared this with a wine party and I received rave reviews for it!  That's what I am looking for!

Old Fashioned Peach Pie

1 pie crust, brought to room temperature
1 egg, beaten
10 peaches, peeled and sliced
1 tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup white sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons butter

Preheat your over to 400 degrees F.  Put peaches in a large bowl. Sprinkle with lemon juice and toss carefully.  Mix the flour, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt and pour over the peaches, mix gently.  Pour into your pie pan (no bottom crust!) and dot with butter.  Using a pastry cutter, cut the pie crust into 1/2 inch slices.  You will need 6.  Lay the first three on top of the pie, then take one more and begin weaving the strip over and under the strips on the pie, perpendicular to the other strips. Repeast for two more strips.  With the left over pie crust, cut shapes using your canape cutters to put on the intersections of the crust. Brush the crust with the beaten egg.  Bake for 10 minutes, then reduce the oven to 350 degrees and bake for 20 minutes, or until crust is golden brown.  Remove from oven and let rest.  Serve warm or at room temperature.

Check out the other wonderful pies made by Taste Creation bloggers!

Rosemary at An Italian in my Kitchen made Pumpkin Pie!!

Nikki from Tikkido made Homemade Cherry Pie

Lauren from Mom Home Guide Blog made Chocolate Pretzel Pie

Check out the list below for more pies by Taste Creation bloggers!

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