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DIY Hearts (Gumball Style) Machine

 When I was a teacher or a parent of an elementary school student, I was always on the lookout for how I could make a treat that would also be a craft for my students.  I became a grandmother a year ago and now I have an endless supply of jars and containers for use while crafting!  I was able to great this gumball-style Hearts Machine using some of my grandson's food containers.  It's easy, and here's how.

Materials Needed:

🤍2 baby food containers from Nurture Life

🤍Decorative Shreds in red and silver

🤍Heart candy (originally was going to use conversation hearts, but changed to chocolate hearts)

🤍Heart-shaped tag and chalk pen

🤍Glue gun

🤍Spray paint (the lids are green, I painted mine a dark red since that is what I already had)

How to make the Hearts Machine

1.  Spray paint one of the green lids from the baby food containers. Set aside to dry or blow dry with a hair dryer.

2.  Fill one container with the shreds and the other with the candy hearts.

3.  Write a message on the heart with a chalk pen

4. Put the dried lid on the container with the hearts.  Run a bead of hot glue on the rim of the other jar.  Place the container with the candy hearts lid side down on top of the shreds container.  Let dry.

5. Tie on the tag.

To get the candy out turn Heart Machine on its side and open the heart candy container.  Leave the lid hot glued to the shreds side.

This would be an easy craft to make for a school Valentine's party.  Prepaint all the lids ahead of time and use two lids for the craft.  Make a loop of strong tape to hold the two containers together.

Take a look at all these adorable craft ideas using  🤍 hearts 🤍.

Purple Hues and Me: Soda Bottle Heart Shaped Box

Christine’s Crafts: Small Crochet Hearts, free pattern

Sew Crafty Crochet: Crochet Heart

Mimi, a great name for Grandma: DIY Valentine Rag Wreath

Decor Craft Design : Valentine Heart Sign with Pistachio Shells

Old Rock Farmhouse: Doodle hearts Collage

Sum of Our Stories: Hanging Hearts from Scrappy Fabric

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  1. This is so cute, such a fun craft and a perfect way to use these sweet little jars.

  2. This is so sweet and inexpensive to make. Great idea!

  3. What a cool idea and a great way to upcycle some of those baby food jars, Terri! Too cute!

  4. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Terri, what a fabulous idea using upcycled baby food jars. Your heart candy machine is such a fun way to treat loved ones to Valentine's Day. Thank you for this adorable idea!

  5. This is such a cute idea for Valentine's Day and a great way to reuse jars.

  6. It's super cute and creative! Such a lovely DIY upcycled Valentine's gift.

  7. Oh, wow! With my mad collection of jars, I could make these in all sizes! Thank you for the tutorial. -Marci @ Old Rock Farmhouse


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