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How To Choose the Right Propane Tank for Your Pennsylvania Home

 You have decided to shift away from the inconvenience of renting your Pennsylvania home’s propane tank, now what? The next step is choosing a propane company and selecting the right tank. You need a propane tank that is large enough to heat your home sufficiently without taking up too much space. We’ll review a few things to consider when choosing your tank.


Size is one of the most important considerations when it comes to choosing the right propane tank. Size refers to how much propane your tank can hold and how frequently you’ll have to fill it up. The most common propane tank sizes are 120, 500, and 1,000 gallons. A 120-gallon tank is ideal for smaller homes or businesses. A 500-gallon tank is typically enough for a larger home or commercial business. 

Commercial businesses will usually need at least a 1,000-gallon tank, and some may need something even larger. The number of gas appliances you have in your home or business can also determine the tank size you need. Homes with at least three large gas appliances should consider at least a 500-gallon tank. Some companies also offer custom sizes of propane tanks for sale, which can help if you’re between size needs. A custom-sized tank allows you to heat your home or business efficiently while still keeping installation space in mind. Size also factors into yard space. If you have a smaller Pennsylvania yard, a smaller tank or better placement may be important so you can still enjoy your space. Custom-sized tanks can also be used to accommodate smaller installation spaces.

Number of Tanks

Although less common, some homes or businesses may require multiple tank configurations to heat the building properly. Hotels or apartment complexes may benefit from multiple tanks placed in different locations rather than a single, large one. If you’re unsure how to heat your unique living condition properly, reaching out to a professional may be worth it.

Heating Needs

Pennsylvania, in general, has cold winters, meaning most homeowners will use their propane tanks frequently. However, some parts of Pennsylvania are colder than others. If you live in the mountainous ranges, you may need a larger tank for more heating. If you live in the southern portion of Pennsylvania, you might not use your heat as often. Pennsylvania uniquely sits between two climate zones, meaning a significant difference in weather expectations.


The company you choose to purchase the propane tank from matters. You’ll rely on this company to help you choose the best propane tank and ensure proper installation. Firstly, you need a company that’s insured. It’s best to have licensed and certified technicians help you select and install your propane tank.

Customer service also matters; if all goes well, you’ll also continue to use this company for propane fill-ups. However, this is one of the biggest benefits of purchasing your own propane tank. You’re not locked into a contract, meaning you don’t have to continue working with the same company if you don’t want to. A company that backs its work is also useful. You shouldn’t have any problems following installation, but going with a company that has a warranty on their work ensures you’re protected if you do. Of course, having a warranty on the tank itself is also a great way to protect your purchase.

Refurbished or Not

When buying a propane tank, you can go with a brand-new or refurbished one, depending on your needs and budget. Some companies offer refurbishing services, which means they refresh and renew used tanks. These tanks may not be brand-new, but you can usually purchase them for much cheaper. Of course, when choosing refurbished, you’re limited to what’s already available.


When you purchase your own propane tank, you can choose its location. Propane tanks can be installed above ground or underground. An above-ground tank takes up yard space but can be easier to service and maintain. An underground tank can cost more upfront as the installation professionals have to dig. But, once in place, an underground tank is out of sight. Pennsylvania does have a few rules when it comes to tank placement. 

For example, an above-ground tank of 1,000 gallons or more must be placed at least 25 feet from the building and nearby property lines. This is another important reason to work with a professional when purchasing a propane tank. These location requirements are in place to ensure your and your neighbors' safety.

Choosing the best propane tank for your Pennsylvania home requires considering size, placement, and company. Working with a highly-rated professional propane installation company can help you make this important decision. Once installed, you can enjoy the many benefits of owning your propane tank.

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