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Friday Favorites #19

Wow, this has been a crazy week! I'm writing this post on a Thursday night (highly unlike me!) and it is a day where I have been in front of a computer screen for 12 hours straight. No kidding, I took 20 minutes off for lunch!  With Halloween, teaching classes, writing for the holidays... I feel so behind!
Even so, I do have a lot of things to share with you so let's get started!

First, let's talk again about Miracle Mornings by Hal Elrod. The book was written to help you start your day in the best way possible. The book uses a premise called stacking to build many routines by stacking them into one routine. For example, my Miracle Morning looks like this: 5 minutes of meditation, 5 minutes of affirmations, 5 minutes of visualization, 15 minutes of reading, 10 minutes of writing and 10 minutes of tai chi.  I have been doing this for two weeks and let me tell you, I get out of bed an hour earlier than I used to, and I am happy to do so. I love my morning routine and cannot wait to get up and do it again!  I do not exercise but I have found a friend in tai chi. I am using the videotapes of TaiFlow to help me learn the movements. I added the first in her Tai Chi in 5 Minutes a Day series, which is where I started.

During my Miracle Morning I read Happily by Kevin Thompson. I received the book for free in exchange for my opinion about the book. I was so glad that this was the book I chose for my first reading.  I chose it because I wanted to read a book that was about preserving marriage. The author chooses to show how the Beattitudes are a way to look at marriage and its bonds. I truly loved the book and the writing style of the author.  He says that great marriages are hard work done on a daily basis. He also shares these insights: 

· see your marriage as bigger than yourselves

· avoid both apathy and aggression
· release the desire for power
· make and maintain peace
· endure difficult times
· and more

I took a lot of notes, underscored tons of ah-ha moments and wrote pages and pages in my journal about the discoveries I learned here. If you have a great marriage, I highly recommend this book. If you have a weak marriage that you want to make strong, I highly recommend this book. If you are divorced and want to understand how your marriage failed, I strongly recommend this book!

I purchased a little gift for myself: a tripod, selfie stick, lavalier microphone and a ring light kit for my iPhone. Most of my photos are taken with my iPhone Xs Max and I wanted to do some more serious photography using my iphone. I cannot wait to try to make some videos!  I have a link below for the amazing little mini LED ring light. It clips onto your phone and provides lighting for either side of the camera!

Take some time to enjoy the last of the fall color that is around you. With the rain all day on Thursday, many of the leaves are stripped off the trees. I plan to do my annual fall driving trip to the hills of Missouri. Always so beautiful!  Have a great weekend!

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