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The Rebel Bride #ourgoodlifebooklist

This series, The Mayflower Bride series, are stories that are fictionalized history to make it come alive for the reader.  This book, The Rebel Bride by Shannon McNear,  is set during the Civil War years in Tennessee, 1863.

For those that know my love of historical fiction, know that the accuracy of the story matters to me.  In this case, the details are accurate. We get a true sense of misery and the high expectations of people with low supplies and food.  The story is told with heart and soul throughout the book.

The characters are believable and have great depth.  We truly understand the plight of Pearl, who is nursing her cousin's soldiers and taking care of her father who has failing health.  The conflict is engaging and meaningful, and it is difficult to determine what "side" you should be supporting. Brilliantly written.

Even though the book is a romance novel, the author did not romance the war.  We read about the pain and suffering, the lack of supplies and food, and what one might do to get either.  The author touches on the causes of the Civil War and they may be different than what you learned in your high school history book.

I consider Pearl, the main character, a hero.  She is forced to give the enemy food and shelter and medical care.  She relies on prayer to help her get through the awfulness of each day. She learns that al mankind is worth saving.  This is an excellent read and one that will have you questioning your own thoughts about the Civil War.

Shannon McNear loves losing herself in local history. A Midwestern farm girl who lived in Charleston, South Carolina, for more than two decades before being transplanted to North Dakota, she's a military wife, mother of 8, and a member of ACFW and RWA. When not cooking, researching, or leaking story from her fingertips, she enjoys being outdoors, basking in the beauty of the northern prairies.

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