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Bonsai Trees for Beginners: How to Start Without Breaking the Bank


Bonsai Trees for Beginners: How to Start Without Breaking the Bank

Image: pexels

While caring for a bonsai tree is manageable, it’s never a walk in the park. You need to dedicate a significant amount of time, energy, and resources to keep it looking attractive and healthy. And as anyone would expect, it becomes an even more daunting undertaking if you grow more than one plant, especially if you’re just getting started.

However, it gets easier if you get things in order from the word go. In this guide, we shall look at several tips that beginners can use to start growing healthy, gorgeous-looking bonsais in pots or an indoor garden.

What are Bonsai Trees? 

Bonsai trees are one of the most popular ornamental plants grown indoors and outdoors. Besides being incredible at elevating the aesthetics of any room, these beautiful miniature versions of larger trees are known to offer a plethora of wellness benefits as well.

For instance, nurturing and caring for a bonsai tree can be a mentally and emotionally rewarding experience. Being surrounded by nature (indoors) is also said to help ward off anxiety and stress, plus these tiny trees can even help make your indoor air cleaner.

Tips to Get Started With Bonsai Trees (On a Budget)

1. Essential Supplies on a Budget - What You Really Need to Get Started

One of the first and most important things when starting a garden is to create an inventory of the essential supplies you will need. For bonsai, supplies might include a pair of sharp scissors and tweezers, a pruning saw and shears, soil, fertilizer, and potting materials, just to name a few.

The good news is that if you are on a budget, many items can be found at home or even online for lower prices.

While at it, remember not to skimp on quality, as some options may not be as durable as you'd wish. Finding a good deal is indeed a priority, but it helps to pay attention to the quality of the items you’re purchasing. And, needless to mention, you’ll want to choose bonsai trees that will do well in your region or available space!

2. Choosing the Right Bonsai Tree Species

There’s no doubt that bonsais are one of the best houseplants that will flourish in any home if you take care of them properly. However, you’ll also need to determine which type of species is suitable for your area and can survive with the available light, temperature, and water conditions. You may want to look into popular species such as Juniperus chinensis or Ficus retusa for their resilience or adaptability.

Alternatively, for a challenge, try to plant and care for a Japanese maple (Acer palmatum) if you prefer something more elegant looking. Also, consider if you have enough windows or indoor light available, as some species may require more during the day to thrive in the long term.

3. Setting Up in Style: Properly Plan Your Garden or Placement 

Your bonsai trees will require a specific environment to thrive, so it is important to plan the right setup before buying any materials. Besides researching the local climate, you'll want to consider factors such as exposure to sunlight or protection from bad weather when choosing a spot for your trees.

Additionally, think carefully about how big your garden should be and consider various sizes of pots compatible with each variety of tree you're considering growing. Proper spacing is also a crucial factor, as you wouldn’t want bonsai trees of different varieties competing for nutrients in the soil or even against each other in the same pot!

Many people benefit from experimenting with an array of options available to find the one that works best for their gardens.

However, things have gotten way much easier these days, thanks to technology. In this day and age, a reliable garden manager app is all you might need to help plan your bonsai garden, make things easier, and save money from the very beginning. These apps come with plenty of resources that can help you map out your garden’s design, track growth, and stay on top of maintenance tasks, among other things

4. Keep It Green: Care & Maintenance of Your Bonsai Garden

After setting it up, the next most important thing is to make sure your bonsai garden remains well taken care of! Generally speaking, it requires adequate trimming and pruning with quality tools, watering at least twice a day (if grown outdoors), and providing some shade if the temperatures are too high.

Maintenance also involves enriching the soil with essential nutrients from time to time, which can be in the form of manure, compost, fertilizers, and conditioners.

When it comes to pruning and trimming, start from the bottom up for the best results. Trim only small parts of branches at once, so your tree isn’t overwhelmed with change. This way, you can slowly shape each tree as desired to achieve a beautiful look. Ultimately, the goal should be to create a perfect balance between what looks good versus the health of your bonsai tree.

Growing and nurturing bonsai trees can be a very enjoyable and rewarding experience. With the right supplies, knowledge, and care, you too can create beautiful bonsai gardens without spending an arm and a leg. Start experimenting today!


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