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Make Time for Reading

Back-to-school is starting soon for most students and as a retired school teacher and principal, I wanted to share my thoughts about making time for reading.  I bet you thought I would talk about making time for your students to read, but no, I am talking about YOU, the adult.

Make Time for Reading

How to Make Time for Reading

I teach a couple of classes at the college level on teaching literature, reading, and writing at a small college for pre-service teachers.  In both classes I have students spend 15 minutes reading anything they want to read, but I encourage them to read for pleasure.  It is so good for your emotional health and it creates a little conversation in your head.  You have to figure out what the author is intending you to know. The best part is that each reader brings their own schema to the page, and that is where the rich discussion takes place.  

I am in several book clubs and my favorite part is the discussion. I like to know how others perceived a certain plotline or character or why the author used a specific word choice.  When you connect with a book, and then connect with others, you form a unique understanding and community with the other members.  

So how do I make time for reading?

I always have a book with me. 

I do that in the form of e-books, specifically my Kindle.  I read while I wait (for the doctor, in checkout lines, in the drive-throughs.)  

I participate in book trades and join book clubs. 

I even lead book studies with colleagues at work. I frequent the Free Little Libraries that are located in my neighborhood.  

I read a real book before bed, usually a chapter or two.  

I always have a book ready to go.  I subscribe to several newsletters that recommend books such as Ashley Hasty's Hasty Booklist. She does author interviews, book reviews, and Shop this Book posts that are lots of fun, too. She also has a podcast, too.

I challenge myself to read a certain number of books throughout the year on Goodreads.com.  

I do a few book reviews there, too.  I find that I am motivated to complete my reading goal.  

If you do have school-aged children, it is good for them to see you reading for pleasure.  

When my daughter was young, I would always laugh aloud, or say, "Listen to this!" and read a favorite part out loud to her. She learned to love to read by my modeling the enjoyment of reading.

Do you take time for reading?  What are your ways to find time to read?

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