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5 Best Marketing Types That Empower Businesses



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Without marketing, brands’ success and growth in the corporate world are impossible. What if you started a business & invested in products you want to sell? This is where marketing comes into play. 

If you are new to the market and need to learn how marketing helps businesses grow and stay ahead of their competitors, look nowhere else. 

Step into this informative blog post to discover the five marketing types that empower businesses of sizes and niches to succeed and make a statement. 

  1. SMS Marketing 

SMS marketing is a type of marketing that most businesses utilize to deliver their product discounts, customer service messages, and new arrivals to their customers. Instead of printing and providing brochures and flyers physically to people, it’s best to invest in SMS Marketing Services - Kudosity

SMS marketing, a cost-effective solution, is a popular choice for businesses looking to build loyalty and raise awareness. By informing customers about discounts and offers via direct messages, businesses can significantly increase their sales and revenue, demonstrating the value of this marketing strategy. 

  1. Outbound Marketing 

Outbound marketing is all about delivering brand messages to their audience and customers who aren’t interested in making any purchase. Businesses use this marketing type to make their audience well aware of the products and goods they are offering, bringing more leads. 

Some of the most-known outbound marketing strategies are delivering subscriber emails, cold callings, and billboard advertising. In most industries, this marketing type is less effective as more customers feel interrupted by so many promotional messages that they don’t want to pay attention. 

  1. Social Media Marketing

Marketing products and services using different social media platforms – such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter do wonders. By posting organic content, user-generated content, and paid ads, businesses gain more followers, site traffic, and higher sales & ROI. To get help with your social media strategy look into a top TikTok ad agency.

E-commerce businesses especially take advantage of social media marketing to share their products, new arrivals, and discounted offers. As a result, they will succeed in spreading word of mouth, reaching broader audiences, and boosting user engagement with them.  

  1. Traditional Marketing

Despite the emergence of the internet, traditional marketing methods remain a vital part of many businesses' strategies. From newspaper ads to billboards, radio ads, and print media marketing, these tactics continue to be effective in reaching and engaging audiences. 

Still, many businesses – no matter what their niches and sizes are, succeed in their respective markets. Real estate businesses’ promotion through billboards, newspapers, and other ways is the most persuasive example of traditional marketing. 

  1. Email Marketing

Email marketing, often considered the oldest type of digital marketing, continues to demonstrate its effectiveness in the business world. It’s a powerful tool for lead generation, offering promotional discounts, nurturing long-term customer relations, and promoting events. Its impact on businesses is truly remarkable. 

When it comes to sales generation, sending blasts to prospective customers' email IDs can help businesses get more conversions and customer retention. Hence, it won’t be wrong to say that businesses’ potential maximizes with email marketing efforts.

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