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Our Christmas~

Christmas Day was absolutely wonderful. Ashley was up at 4 a.m. but we held her off until 7! We opened our stockings and then our gifts. We each were treated very well by Santa! Ashley received a bike and a trunk that Bob refinished for her and those were the highlights of the day. Eric got a charcoal grill and he was thrilled! Breakfast was chocolate crepes, biscuits, sweet potato butter, au fromage, carmelized bananas and oven fried bacon! Yummy! We had our crackers which contain silly jokes and charms. They were fun as usual.

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  1. Cute bike! I was amazed at how much she looks like you in the bottom photo. Beautiful girl. Beautiful Momma!

  2. Hahahaha...you held her off until seven! That's cute. Perhaps she knew about that robin's egg blue bike under the tree...love it! Glad that you all had a wonderful day.

  3. Wait a second, how did I miss this post?!?!

    I LOVE her bike! SO cute!!! What was her reaction?!?


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