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Exciting Ways To Create A Summer Ready Home

When the days are getting warmer and things start feeling slightly brighter in general, you know summer is on the way. For many, summer is the best time of year. The weather is beautiful and you can wear pretty much anything you want; people are more open to going to new places and trying new things - even work becomes more bearable! 

If you want to make the most of summer this year, finding exciting ways to get your home ready could be your next step. A summer ready home is so important if you want your family to be comfortable and ready to make incredible memories. Read on for ideas.

Spruce Up Your Front Door

A really simple way to make your home feel ready for summer is to spruce up your front door. You could simply add a sealer to make it look new and fresh again, or if you’re feeling brave enough, you could paint it a bright color. This will make your home look even more welcoming, and you could also buy a new welcome mat to go with it.

Clean Out Your Garage

Take the time to declutter your garage and get rid of things you haven’t used in a while. When you make more space, you could turn the garage into a playroom for kids or even a place for you to practice arts and crafts. Whatever you do with it, you’ll have more space for things you truly want/need.

Create A New Outdoor Living Space

This is the perfect time to create a new outdoor living space. Install a deck or patio so that you can sit comfortably, and consider investing in an outdoor fireplace or pit. You could create a lounge area if you want the ultimate in outdoor luxury and to impress your friends. Then, if you have the budget, a pool or even a sports court could round things off nicely.


Take Care Of Appliance Maintenance

Summer is the ideal time to take care of appliance maintenance, especially your air conditioning unit. See if you can schedule this maintenance if you need it and you’ll have peace of mind when you need it most.

Bring The Outdoors In

Bring in plants and anything else that might not withstand the scorching summer rays and heat. It could simply be nice to introduce more greenery into your home!

Let The Light In

This is also a great time to swap out your window dressings and let as much light in as possible. Some sheer curtains would work really nicely, but blinds may be better if you want to ensure privacy in the evening.

Freshen Up Your Artwork

Your artwork can evoke all sorts of feelings, so swap yours to something that gets you in the mood for sunshine.

Repair Your Fly Screen

Mosquitoes and other insects will always invite themselves in if you let them. Repair your fly screens and you won’t need to worry.

Pack Away Your Winter Clothes

Pack away your jackets, boots, and jumpers so you can free up storage space for summer clothing. Marie Kondo would approve!

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  1. I am waiting for spring and the warmer air to move in. I will be doing some painting this week and I am hoping that the bright colors that my husband chose for the hallway will brightened my mood.


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