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Five reasons your pipes are leaking all the time

It’s a plumbing problem as old as the hills, but it’s still prevalent in a lot of homes today. A leaky pipe can be a costly problem indeed. If you’re repeatedly suffering from them after fixing them up, then there could be an underlying problem that needs to be looked at. Here are five examples of what the trouble could be.

The water temperature is too high

Perhaps it might not be the pipes themselves that are leaking, but your faucets, and especially your hot water faucets? If that’s the case, the water temperature could be too high. Not only will this result in higher energy and water bills, but it will also cause the rubber washers in many faucets to start softening and become looser. When that happens, the faucets can stiffen, and the force needed to turn them on or off can do damage that causes leaks.
The water pressure is too high

High water pressure is another setting that can cause too much damage. Most pipes and faucets are designed to withstand a certain pressure, and higher pressure can lead to damage. The average water pressure is around 40 to 50 psi, and you shouldn’t go much higher than 60 psi. Of course, if you go too low, then it will affect how well your shower and other plumbing works, so find your happy medium.
Your pipes are old

Most pipes need to be replaced eventually, but a lot of older houses still have cast iron pipes which, while durable, maybe starting to fail on you. Replacing cast iron toilet flange and pipes with modern equivalents might be the solution you need. As these pipes get older, cracks can form in the pipe and many pipe cleaning products contain sulfuric acid, which eats right through the iron.
Your drains are blocked

If it seems like the leaks happen at random, there’s a very good chance a blocked drain is behind it. Your usual drain cleaner product is enough to prevent and fix the majority of blockages, but some drains can’t be fully cleared with this cleaner. Instead, they may need the power of a tool called a hydro jet, or other techniques. Of course, if your drain is blocked, you should see sinks and toilets not emptying as a result.
Problems under the home

Foundations can shift in a home over time, and the movements can lead to new cracks in the plumbing throughout the home, as well. Similarly, if you have trees near the home, then their roots can grow towards and infiltrate the home and the underground pipe system. If these pipes are squeezed or otherwise damaged, it can also cause damage throughout the plumbing system.
A good plumber should be able to pick up on the causes of a leaking pipe, as well as fixing the leak itself. Even if you can fix it yourself, for now, you should be aware that you might miss the cause behind it.

You’re not getting annual visits from a professional

It might sound odd, but if you want to feel entirely confident that the plumbing in your home is working well, including the pipes, then it’s best to look into getting a professional plumber that can visit you once a year to check your plumbing. Finding a local plumber doesn’t need to be a tough job either, it’s all about finding one that has good reviews and offers impeccable service. While it may sound expensive, you can save yourself some money and trouble by doing this check-up each year. 

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