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How to Get Good Sleep—Even When You’re Away from Home

Quality sleep is something that will greatly bolster your health and improve your quality of life. However, it isn’t always easy to achieve, especially when you're traveling or doing an out-of-the-ordinary activity like camping. You may feel tired from the journey or stressed because of your tight travel schedule. And if you’re heading to a location that has a different time zone than the one at home, you’ll likely have additional trouble sleeping because of interruptions to your body clock.

But don’t despair; there are ways to prevent sleepless nights when you travel or go on a camping adventure. With the right strategies, you can feel more at ease even when you’re not home. Check out these practical tips and techniques to help you achieve restful sleep, even in unfamiliar and extraordinary environments.

1) Pack Familiar Items

One of the most effective ways to ensure you get a good night's sleep is to create a comfortable sleeping environment wherever it is you’re staying. This means packing items that provide you with a sense of familiarity, like your favorite pillow, a cozy blanket, or even the most comfortable sleepwear for women. Bringing these familiar items on your trip can hearken back to home, allowing you to unwind properly and improve your sleep quality.

2) Actively Adjust to the Local Time Zone

Traveling and settling in a different time zone can disrupt your sleep-wake cycle and result in poor sleep quality. Jet lag, a temporary sleep disorder that occurs when one travels across three different time zones, is usually the culprit. If you’re traveling to a faraway location with a huge disparity from your local time zone, try to sync your sleep schedule to the local hours. This means that if you’ll be arriving at night, do your best to stay awake throughout the journey. It will help you fall asleep more easily at your destination. 

On the other hand, if you’ll be arriving during the day, sleep as much as you can on the plane and stay awake once your plane lands. Also make it a point to expose yourself to natural light at your travel destination. Natural light can help reset your internal body clock and assist you in acclimatizing to the new time zone.

3) Establish a Relaxing Bedtime Routine

Even if you’re going to settle outdoors, make sure to have a consistent bedtime routine that mirrors the one you observe at home, and follow it while you’re away. Doing so makes it easier for your body to signal to itself that it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep.

Dedicate some time before bedtime for relaxing activities, like reading a book, listening to an NSDRNSDR track,  or warming yourself in front of a campfire.  Avoid staring at your phone or other electronic devices that emit blue light, which can trick your body clock into thinking that it’s daytime. Blue light also prevents your body from producing melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep. 

4) Do Relaxation Techniques 

Travel can be stressful, especially if you have an outdoor excursion planned. The stress may weigh on you and lead to significant sleep disruptions. If you want to ensure you have a good night’s sleep on your trip, consider incorporating relaxing techniques into your pre-bedtime routine. Practice deep breathing exercises, meditation, or jotting down your thoughts and worries into a travel journal. This will calm your mind and create a more tranquil mental state that’s conducive to sleep.

5) Manage Light and Noise in Your Environment

Even if you’re far away from the comforts of home, you can still control your sleep environment to make it quieter, darker, and more conducive to rest. Pack a comfortable eye mask and high-quality earplugs to block out unwanted light and noise in your room or tent. You can also download a white noise app on your smartphone to play soothing sounds like rain or ocean waves. They’ll drown out disruptive noises and create a peaceful and relaxing auditory backdrop.

6) Mind What You Eat and Drink

Diet also plays a significant role in sleep quality. Although you may be tempted to feast whenever you’re away from home, avoid consuming heavy, rich meals close to bedtime.

The same goes for caffeine, which is notorious for disrupting sleep. Abstain from foods and beverages with caffeine and instead opt for small servings of magnesium-rich snacks like pumpkin seeds or almonds. You can also drink an herbal tea made of chamomile or valerian root, as these are known to promote better sleep. 

7) Stay Active

For any trip you take, increased physical activity will wear you out and make it easier for you to sleep deeply. Walk, do some light stretching exercises, or do some swimming or rowing in a nearby lake. Such activities will get you drowsier and better disposed to fall asleep on time, in turn helping you feel more energetic the next day.


Whether you’re at home or traveling somewhere new, like a national park, it’s important that you get a good night’s sleep in. Make sure you prepare properly for your trip and follow your usual bedtime routine. Thanks to the recommendations mentioned here, it won’t be as hard to enjoy restful nights while you’re pursuing your next adventures. 

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