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Pressed Flower Lantern

 This month's theme for the Sustainable Craft Challenge Group is Nature.  What a great time to think about crafts using products right outside your door!  Today I made a Pressed Flower Lantern from the flowers in my cutting garden. These adorable lanterns would be perfect for a summer baby or wedding shower, or a garden party. They are entirely pretty just on their own, but they are incredible when used with a grouping of items on the table.

I press my flowers the old-fashioned way, with a heavy book!  I pick the flowers in the mid-morning after the dew has completely dried them off.  I use two pieces of parchment paper to protect the pages of the book.  I snip off any leaves that I don't want, lay the flowers on the parchment in the center of the book, and close it.  I try not to open it for at least three weeks.  The flowers are usually totally dried by the fourth week.  I use tweezers to pick the flowers up from the parchment.  You can also purchase pressed flowers from Amazon, and I have done it this way more than once!

To make the lantern I used the following materials:

To assemble the lantern I did the following:

  • Remove the labels from the domed containers.
  • Measured the contact paper to fit the circumference of the container and cut it to size, using the grid on the back of the contact paper.
  • Remove the backing from the contact paper.
  • Using tweezers, lay the flowers in a design that you like. I tend to put the flowers toward the base of the container.
  • Turn on the candle and hot glue it to the inside of the base.  When the candle dies, I pop it off and glue another one in place.
  • Working carefully, place the contact paper sticky side on the domed container and slowly seal the contact paper to the container, smoothing over the flowers and removing as many air bubbles as you can.
  • Snap the top of the container to the base.  Your lantern is complete!

To make this project more sustainable:

Collect clear milk jugs instead of purchasing containers.
Collect clear jars to use as the lantern.
Dry your own flowers if possible.

Check out these other wonderful crafts using recycled goods and with the theme of nature.  You will have a fantastic time with their creations!

Sum of their Stories


Mini Vases upcycled from yogurt bottles

Vicky Myers creations


Cyanotype Art

Purple Hues and Me


Eco Friendly Fall Decorative Wreath

Sew Crafty Crochet


Three-Strip Flower Scarf

Simple Nature Decor


Sea Glass Candle Holder

Christine's Crafts


Flower Pounding on Paper - A Complete Beginners Guide

Decor Craft Design


DIY Fall Sign Gold Dried Leaves

Treasures Made From Yarn


Upcycled Project Bag

Would you like to comment?

  1. Your lanterns are so pretty Terri. I like the way you used contact paper to apply the flowers, very clever. I have a nice shaped glass jar that had honey in it originally that would make a great lantern. I need to press some more flowers so I can give this a go.

    1. If you make one, be sure to tag me on Facebook or Instagram so I can ooo and ahhh over it!

  2. These look amazing. They are a great way to use pressed flowers. The domes are so cute! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you for your comment! I thought they turned out very sweet.

  3. I love everything about this project, Terri! It's all so pretty! You certainly had forethought in knowing what you wanted to create beforehand. Pressing flowers from your garden for three weeks to make these adorable lanterns! And to use dome containers from the dollar store! So cool!

  4. I love the impact of the sticky back plastic, how it adds a sense of opaqueness which contrasts with the clearness of the top of the lantern. Its really eye catching,

  5. This is so beautiful. I love the press flowers. Super unique

  6. This is such a creative way to use pressed flowers! The lanterns look amazing!

  7. Anonymous7:11 AM

    This is beautiful. I love how the press flowers are displayed in the glass container.

  8. This is beautiful love how they look inside the glass container.


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