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Adventure Time: How To Setup A Safe Campsite

When camping, it is essential to know how to set up a safe campsite before, during, and after. There are multiple aspects to consider to ensure you, your loved ones, and your belongings are safe for the duration of your stay. 


Check the Weather

Before you take your tent out of its bag, you first need to check the weather. You need to know whether it will be hot or cold, dry or wet, as this will determine where you should place your tent for maximum comfort and safety. 

For example, if it is going to rain, don’t set up too close to a stream or lake, as there will be a chance of flooding. On the other hand, if you’re going to tackle some adverse weather, pack some men’s boots to protect your feet from the weather and harsh environment,. Ones to consider that are truly the best are Blundstone 


Once you have checked the weather and know the best location to set up, you still need to consider a few things. For example, you don’t want to set your tent up on a walking or animal trail. 

There is no need to set up in a super-secluded area, but ensure you have an easy exit in an emergency. 

Search Your Surroundings

You mustn’t forget to check your surroundings, especially if you are in an area that is frequented with animals. There have been many cases of campers having run-ins with bears simply because they set their campsites up too close to their dens. 

Ensure that the area is cleared of anything that can hurt you, such as fallen logs or sharp stones. It is very easy to trip on a large rock or an exposed tree route at night and cause serious damage. 

Campfire Placement & Setup

While it may be tempting to place your campfire close to your tent/s when it is cold, this can create a serious risk. Firstly, ensure your fire is surrounded by a wall of stones to stop embers from getting blown around by any wind and to stop the fire from spreading. 

Secondly, place the fire far enough away from your tent to ensure it doesn’t cause immediate damage if it gets out of control and you have time to fix it, but you’re still close enough to deal with any problems. 


Camp Kitchen Safety

If you are staying for multiple days, you are more than likely going to have a camp kitchen or at least a separate area for cooking. The above points about fire placement and safety still exist, but you also need to be aware of your utensils and food. 

For utensils such as knives and anything else you may have that is sharp, pack them away correctly to prevent any accidents. For food, if you are in bear or predator territory, store it away from your tent, preferably using a rope to hoist it up a tree; this sounds extreme, but it will save you a lot of hassle if a hungry animal comes sniffing around. 

Water & Waste

Your water supply should always be properly protected, especially if you aren’t near a drinkable water source. Store your water in your car if you have it with you or with you in your tent. 

Regarding waste, food waste or otherwise, it should be treated the same way you treat your food: stored away from your campsite.

Keep Your Campsite Lit 

No matter where you are camping, you will never be 100% sure of your surroundings and what else is living around you. Because of this, it is important to keep your campsite as brightly lit as possible. 

There is no need to have ten spotlights bearing down on your tent, but having a few lanterns or battery-powered lights will allow you to see your surroundings, and make moving around your campsite much easier. 


Carbon Monoxide Risks

Carbon monoxide is not something you would necessarily think about when camping in the great outdoors, but it is still a threat. Many tents aren’t as breathable as you think and can easily fill up with a dangerous amount of carbon monoxide from your fire. 

To prevent this, once again, keep your fire away from your tents, but also ensure a tent window is left open so that fresh air can easily get in. If you are still worried, a simple carbon monoxide detector will do the trick. 

Know Your Neighbors

Finally, if you are camping somewhere near other people, introducing yourself and opening a communication line is always a great idea. If you are somewhere isolated, being in contact with someone or a group of people who can offer immediate help can be lifesaving. 

You can speak to them about where you are going and when you expect to be back; this will tremendously help emergency services if they need to get to you quickly. 

If you follow these tips, you can easily create a safe campsite that will protect you and your loved ones in the event of an accident or an emergency. A few small changes and a bit of time can make a world of difference.

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