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Spellbound Sangria #halloweentreatsweek


Welcome to 2023’s #HalloweenTreatsWeek event!

If you're new here, Welcome! If you're a returning haunt, welcome back!

#HalloweenTreatsWeek is a yearly Halloween blogging event that is hosted by Angie from Big Bear’s Wife . You'll find that this fun and spooky event is an online, week-long event that is filled with some frightfully fun Halloween treats and recipes from some fantastic Halloween-loving bloggers!

For this year's 6th annual #HalloweenTreatsWeek event we have 18 hauntingly talented bloggers who are sharing their favorite Halloween recipes throughout the week! You can follow the hashtag #HalloweenTreatsWeek on social media to collect all of these frightful recipes to use at your own Halloween parties and events!

Make sure to check out all of the fun Halloween recipes that we're sharing this week!

Today's Halloween Offerings:

Halloween is a great time to serve this fall-inspired sangria.  It is delicious, especially served with a bit of the sangria-soaked fruit. To keep it fall-inspired, I stick to fruits that ripen in the fall.

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