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Crafting the Perfect Maryland Vacation With Lovely Log Cabins

 A seaside retreat or a cozy camp getaway: Maryland offers endless options for building a vacation home. However, if you want something a little different than the typical cottage, you might consider a log cabin, which evokes the spirit of those hardy settlers who first landed on America’s east coast. 

When you think log cabin, you might imagine a small shack without running water or electricity, but those days are long gone! Now you can appreciate all the comforts of home in a park model cabin, which comes ready to be hooked up to utilities and placed where you please. 

As they are built on a sturdy trailer, you can locate them exactly where you want to on your plot of land and even pack them up and move them should you choose to sell your property. You’ll have a second home ready-made for comfort, allowing you perfect respite for everyday life. 

Once you actually purchase your cabin, you have a lot of options for decorating your new space. Let’s discuss some decor decisions that help match Maryland’s beachy, brainy vibe. 

Present a Presidential Sensation

Maryland is part of the famed DMV region – Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia – and many influential leaders have homes here within an easy commute of the capital. The state is also home to the prestigious Camp David, a presidential retreat where some of the world’s most important negotiations have been held.

It stands to reason that a vacation home in Maryland would evoke these centers of power through subtle design options in your small but cozy space. For example, you may choose red, white, and blue dishware, star-spangled throw pillows, and reproductions of some of America’s most important paintings, such as Washington Crossing the Delaware. 

Appreciate the Chesapeake With Beach Themes

Chesapeake Bay is one of the most iconic waterways in America, known for delicious marine treats like blue oysters, lobsters, and rockfish. Old Bay Seasoning, one of Maryland’s famed products, is named for the bay and goes perfectly with all of its ample produce; it’s so beloved that there are even special cocktails that use it as a garnish!

Even if your Maryland log cabin is not on the bay, you can invite this natural wonder into your space through decor. Many paintings represent the Chesapeake and would look perfect when situated over a plush blue couch. Hang an old fishing net from the ceiling, making a new place to hang decorations like delicately strung seashells or suncatchers in marine shapes. Many people also use buoys as doorstops, evoking the time-honored tradition of fishermen heading off into the blue.

Celebrate Maryland’s Rich History

Maryland was founded by Lord Baltimore in 1634, making it a place for Roman Catholics who were persecuted by other religious sects; these early colonists were joined by Puritans, Anglicans, and Quakers, who all left their mark on the area through their traditions and unique perspectives on societal progress. Many lived in log cabins whose construction and style are very similar to a modern park model cabin, though without many of the wonderful comforts that make these such desirable vacation homes. 

Prior to the colonists’ arrival, Maryland was home to a diverse community of Native American tribes, including the Delaware, Shawnee, Pocomoke, and Piscataway; their impact remains in place names and in their descendants, who still live in the area.

With such a multitude of influences, it makes sense to honor these forefathers of history with small touches in your cabin. Consider purchasing antique embroidery to hang on the wall or visit local craftsmen who create artwork reflecting Maryland’s past. 

Focus On Family Memories 

If you’d rather bring your Maryland vacation cabin into the present, there is nothing more touching than evoking all the wonderful memories that you have made with your own loved ones. For example, you can make placemats with reprints of some of your favorite vacation photos, sealed and varnished to last for years. Not only does this make cleanup easier after a family barbecue, but it also serves as a conversation piece that will spur fond recollections of previous adventures. 

If you have a crafty family, you might encourage your children or grandchildren to make drawings and paintings of their time at the family cabin, then frame these for a touching tribute to all the fun you have enjoyed together. These will become heirloom pieces that bring a smile to anyone’s face every time they step into your warm, comfortable second home.

A Maryland log cabin serves as a backdrop for fun; its small size encourages togetherness, but it also allows you to reflect and get away from all the stresses of the world. The right decorations can enforce this sense of tranquility and comfort. However you choose to add a touch of glamor to your lovely park model home, you’ll be eager to visit all throughout the year to drink in the relaxation of a cozy, naturalistic abode.

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