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10 Reasons For A Broken Drain Pipe Under Your House: Causes And Solutions

 The intricate network of pipes and fittings that make up your home's plumbing system makes sure that trash and water flow freely. But when a drain pipe beneath your home bursts, it may cause a lot of trouble and expensive repairs. You can save time, money, and frustration by being aware of the many causes of a damaged drain pipe and understanding how to fix them. It's critical to seek the advice of a reputable plumber in Huntington Beach if you're experiencing such problems.


In this blog post, our professionals from Rooter Man Plumbing will showcase ten common reasons for a broken drain pipe under your house, along with effective solutions.

Age and Wear



As a result of aging and normal wear and tear, drain pipes may eventually deteriorate. Older homes, in particular, may have drain pipes made of materials like cast iron or clay, which are susceptible to corrosion and cracking. Eventually, these pipes could burst, causing leaks and drainage issues. Solution: Take into consideration replacing deteriorated and outdated pipes with stronger materials like ABS or PVC.



Tree Root Intrusion



Tree roots are known to seek out water sources, including pipes that lead to the drain. Growing roots have the ability to pierce and harm subterranean pipes, resulting in cracks or collapses. Sewage backups, bad odors, and slow drains are indicators of tree root infiltration. Solution: To clear the pipes and stop additional damage, use a plumber skilled in root removal techniques.


Ground Shifting



The ground may shift due to modifications in the nature of the soil, seismic activity, or building near your property. Subterranean pipes are under pressure from this shifting, which can cause cracks or breakage. The signs of pipe damage caused by earth movement include sinkholes, uneven floors, and foundation fractures. Solution: Frequently check your property for indications of ground movement, and take quick action to fix any problems you find.






Pipe corrosion can be accelerated by a few things, including highly acidic water, chemical drain cleaners, and acidic soil conditions. The substance of the pipe is weakened by corrosion, increasing the likelihood of leaks and cracks. Water that appears rusty or discolored may be a sign of corrosion in your pipes. Solution: Don't use strong chemicals in your drains and install plumbing made of materials resistant to corrosion.



Poor Installation



Inadequate support or the wrong slope during the construction of drain pipes can cause stress spots and eventually failure. Pipes that are not properly aligned or secured securely are more vulnerable to movement and pressure damage. Solution: To guarantee ideal pipe performance, have a licensed plumber evaluate and repair any installation flaws.



Freezing Temperatures



Freezing conditions in colder regions can cause water in drain pipes to expand, which can result in cracks or bursts. Your plumbing system may be severely disrupted and substantial water damage may arise from frozen pipes. Absence of water flow or unusual noises when utilizing plumbing fittings are indications that the pipes are frozen. Solution: To protect pipes from freezing during freezing weather, insulate exposed pipes and maintain a steady trickle of water.



Chemical Damage



Over time, harsh chemicals that are frequently present in household cleansers can erode and weaken drain pipes. Constant exposure to these substances can erode pipelines, resulting in leaks and obstructions. Solution: To safeguard your pipes, use enzymatic or ecologically friendly drain cleaners instead of putting grease or oil down the drain.



High Water Pressure



Overly high water pressure strains your plumbing system and raises the possibility of leaks and pipe damage. Frequent leaks, varying water pressure, and pounding sounds in the pipes are signs of excessive water pressure. Solution: To regulate water pressure and guard against pipe damage, install a pressure regulator.



Soil Erosion



Soil erosion surrounding subterranean pipelines can lead to pipe shifting, cracking, or collapse. Things like a lot of rain, bad drainage, or landscaping can erode soil and jeopardize the stability of pipes. Solution: Maintain proper drainage around your property and avoid disturbing soil near underground pipes to prevent erosion-related damage.


Physical Damage



Accidental impact or excavation near your property can result in physical damage to drain pipes. Any damage to underground pipes, whether from construction accidents or poorly executed landscaping, can result in leaks and clogs. Solution: Before starting any excavation work, speak with a plumber and always use caution while making renovations or digging close to your property.



Need a Reliable Company?



Are you in need of a plumber in Huntington Beach? Luckily, we at Rooter Man Plumbing have dedicated workers ready at your service. Contact our representatives for more questions. 

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