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Blueberry Balsamic Mustard Chicken Pops #CookoutWeek

I was give the mustard in exchange for a recipe and an honest review. All opinions are my own.

#CookoutWeek continues with these delicious Chicken Pops that my husband made on the grill. They are so easy to eat and really not messy like normal chicken legs are.  Your hands stay pretty clean and not sticky when you fix them like this.  Let me tell you how he did it!

What makes these a bit more special is the ingredient list. I am using a wonderful mustard I got from The French Farm  called Moutarde aux Herbes de Provence.  The French Farm is a brand dedicated to a time when food was meant to be savored and enjoyed. I can really relate to this company!  They sponsored several bloggers this week and you can check out the other choices we had here!

I was given this product to use in a new recipe and it is perfect in this glaze. This delightful mustard is seasoned with the classic French blend of Herbs de Provence.  That way you don't have to add any extra herbs to the glaze.  I would use this mustard to make a vinaigrette dressing for a salad or as an aoili for a sandwich.  The neat tubing means it is very portable (no glass to break!) and keeps its freshness!

Sur les Queis is a French gourmet food company founded in 1999 by two men who loved good food and loved to travel.  They picked up gourmet food and sold them from their Paris shop.

First we purchased regular chicken legs at the grocery store.  We always look for free range, hormone free chicken.  We just like knowing that they lived a happy life before they became our food source. Once we were home, Bob cut the meat from the bone up to where the fleshy part starts. He cut the tendon and removed it and then wrapped the skin around the meat. He grilled them on medium high heat until the juices ran clear.  He coated the chicken with the glaze and let it bake in for 10 minutes, then coated again and removed from the heat.  He let the chicken rest for 10 minutes before serving.

The glaze is what makes this chicken.  Sweet from the syrup and blueberry jam, tangy from the mustard and balsamic vinegar, it is a perfect combination!

Blueberry Balsamic Mustard Chicken Pops

8 chicken legs, prepared 
3 T blueberry jam
2 T white corn syrup
2 T balsamic vinegar
1 T Sur Les Quais Moutarde aux Herbes de Provence

Mix the jam, syrup, vinegar and mustard together in a microwave safe dish.  Microwave for 1 minute, stirring after 15 second intervals. Set aside.  Heat grill to medium high, grill chicken legs until juices run clear.  Turn legs as needed to cook evenly.  Apply glaze to chicken and let soak in for three minutes, then recoat legs again.  Remove from heat.  Allow glaze to rest.  Serve hot.

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