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Friday Faves #3

Welcome friends and neighbors!  What a busy week!  We had some wild weather last night, tornado warnings, high winds, piercing rain.  Whew!  My dogs absolutely despise bad weather.   Wilson has to wear a thundershirt to remain calm.  If Truman is near me, he's going to be ok!  Are your pets like this?

So let's get to what I found to share with you this week!  I'd love to know if you learned about something new or different in the comments.  Oh, and I wanted to share my inspiration for the weekly post from a blog named Ricci Alexis.  Go and check her out.  You are welcome.

1.  I'm in love with these refreshing ice pops. Made with yogurt, fresh strawberries and cream, these are so delicious and easy to make.  I mix one container of yogurt with a  pint of finely chopped strawberries.  Add milk or cream to make the mixture pourable but still thick.  Place in the freezer overnight, remove molds, and enjoy!

2.  I did a post this week on Chef Sammy butters.  I am in love with the French Onion butter.  I am using it to cook my scrambled eggs in the morning.  I am hooked, people!  Oh, and there is a discount code you can use through July 4.  It's 10Butter10

3.  Our anniversary was last Monday and my husband gave me a gorgeous journal and a necklace from SugarBoo & Co.  We discovered them when we went to Disney Springs over Memorial Day.  Such a fabulous collection of fun things!

4.  Another of my favorite blogs is GlamKaren. Karen gives great make up and hair tips and keeps us up on the newest accessories. Karen has such beautiful pics but what I love most is what I learn from her! Her newsletter is great, be sure to sign up! Isn't that logo the cutest?

We are off for the weekend to celebrate my mother's 80th birthday at the Lake of the Ozarks. The whole family is coming and that should make it super fun!  What are your plans for this weekend?

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