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Good Bye 2018, Hello 2019!

As I look back on 2018, I would summarize it as SPEEDY.  Everything seemed to go by in a whirlwind. What was different this year is that I recognized that our life goes by quickly and I tried to really value each moment of it. I still feel rushed, but with good planning, I am able to get all I want to be accomplished. Since I am a very busy gal, I didn't manage to meet any of my blog goals. This truly bothers me. I believe 2019 is going to be a make-or-break me year when it comes to blogging.

Colorful list of Words of the Year

So I have kept all my same goals from last year for this year:

Pinterest 10,000 followers (current 8033)
Instagram 5,000 followers (current 4701)
Twitter 5,000 followers (current 4951)
Facebook 5,000 followers (current 4115)

Ok, maybe it wasn't as bad as I described, but I surely wanted to reach those goals!

My 2019 Word of the Year is HEALING. I am talking about overall healing, not just my physical health. I plan to journal more, move more, love more, garden more, read more, and explore things that I haven't made time for, such as tai chi.  

My 2018 word of the year was KIND. Since I am not unkind, I am not sure what kind of progress I made, but I worked hard at sharing kindness, demonstrating kindness, promoting kindness and modeling kindness.  It was a much more focused attempt.

My personal goals are to explore my creativity more deeply, love on my family while they are living in our home (and after, too!) and to keep losing weight (I lost 50 pounds last year!) for health reasons.

Please, comment below on what goals you have for the year. I find goal setting VERY difficult and I get inspiration from you!

Happy 2019! 

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