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Spruce Without Spending: Budget-Friendly Ideas For A Mini Home Makeover

Do you fancy a change in your kitchen, or has your living room decor seen better days? If you’re toying with the idea of a mini home makeover, but you don’t want to spend a fortune, you’ve come to the right place! Here are some budget-friendly ideas to spruce up your home today.

Painting and changing colorways

Interior trends come and go, just like fashion fads. One season, opulent, rich jewel tones are all the rage and the next, it’s all about crisp neutrals. If your preferences have changed, you’re looking to channel seasonal trends, or you fancy something a bit different, painting your walls and introducing new colorways are among the most affordable and effective ways to freshen up any room.
Before you decide on a color or a selection of shades, it’s wise to think about how you use the room, the kind of vibe you want to create, and the size of the space. For smaller, compact areas, light tones are best, as they create the illusion of more space. For bedrooms and chill-out areas, pastel shades, neutrals, and calming colors work brilliantly. Once you’ve got an idea, look at paint charts and try some testers on your walls to narrow down the options. If you can't decide, you can consult with Interior Design Services Vancouver to help you pick good colors for your space.

If you don’t have a huge room, or there isn’t a lot of natural light, and you’re keen to keep the walls white, you can add color with accessories. Potted plants, storage pots, candleholders, soft furnishings, and wall art can inject flashes of color to breathe life into a blank canvas.

When painting walls, prep in advance. Clean and sand the walls, apply tape to protect skirting boards and prevent smudges on ceilings and window and door frames, and make sure you’ve got all the tools you need. Lay down dust sheets and use smooth movements to cover the wall using a roller for large areas and a brush for smaller spaces. Leave the paint to dry before applying a second coat.

Upcycling and transforming dated, drab pieces of furniture

If you’re on a mission to modernize or refresh your home interiors, you might be thinking about taking old tables or couches to the tip. Before you throw anything away, consider flexing your DIY skills and utilizing your creative talents to embrace the trend of upcycling. Flipping furniture has become a popular side hustle, and you can use guides and online tutorials to transform pieces to either keep for yourself or sell. More and more of us are looking for ways to reduce waste and recycle household items, and upcycling is a great way to reuse materials and save money on buying new furniture. If you have old tables, chests, or chairs lying around, you can use your skills to create new, unique pieces. You could paint a dining room table to fit in with your new colorway, you could replace knobs, hinges or doors to transform a wardrobe, or you could convert an old coffee table into a cool games table for your kids.


Many of us use accessories to freshen up our wardrobes and celebrate seasonal trends. If you’re used to creating unique outfits with accessories, now is the time to transfer your styling skills and apply the same rules to your home makeover project. Rather than replacing furniture, putting down different flooring, or wallpapering the walls, you can modify the theme, style, and feel of the room using accessories. Create a cozy wintry vibe in your living room with lanterns and candles, faux fur rugs, and woolen cushions, or mark the arrival of spring with cotton and linen cushion covers, hanging plants, and canvas floor mats. If you see accessories you like in interior magazines or online galleries, but the price tag is too high, use the Internet to search for similar items. You can often find products that look almost identical for a fraction of the price if you browse online auction sites or shop at discount rather than designer stores. Using a search engine will also allow you to compare prices from different retailers.

Using acrylic sheets to make your own accessories is a great way to save money on your decor. You just need a laser cutter, some acrylic sheets from COHn Acrylics, and some practice, and you'll be able to make a lot of fun decor.

If you're looking to spruce up your interiors without blowing the budget, there are some very simple and effective ways to carry out a successful mini makeover. Change your colorways or inject different shades or tones by painting walls or switching up your accessories, and consider jumping on the upcycling bandwagon and revitalizing tired pieces of furniture. You don’t have to change every aspect of every room, and often, simple touches like painting a wall or buying new cushion covers and rugs can make all the difference.

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