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Two Steps Forward #outgoodlifebooklist

Two Steps Forward is the new release from author Suzanne Fischer.  This is the third in the Deacon Family series but it is a read-alone book.  However, you are going to want to read her other books, too!

We already know Luke and Izzy Shrock and their story, we learn more about Jimmy Fisher and Silvie King.  My gut intuition about Edith Lapp was correct. I haven't liked the woman from the start and during this book, she shows her true, hateful colors.

The book dives into currents issues such as the recent news of women killing or abandoning babies or having late-term abortions.  Izzy and Luke start a baby box at the local firehouse.  Edith believes it is not what the church should do and causes strife in the community.

The book is a delightful mix of faith, love, community, misunderstandings, and reconnections.  When Edith gets caught in her shenanigans and is punished in church, the community comes to be more accepting of Sylvie, who is a delightful, caring woman.  Suzanne Fisher is a wonderful author of Amish literature, showcasing her deep understanding of the culture and the people.  I highly recommend all of her books.  If you decide you would like to read this one, you can purchase it here. I do make a small commission!

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