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Marinated Mushrooms: Are They Good to Eat?

Mushrooms are perhaps the most customizable food item. You can fry them, add them to your salad or a chicken dish, as well as eat them on their own! Who doesn't like mushrooms? To make things simpler, they're marinated in vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, and savory spices that explode into a pleasure in your mouth.  Added bonus?  Mushroom powder such as this Natures Rise Lions Mane Powder promotes good brain health and cognitive function.


But did you ever find your mushroom smelling weird when you opened the can? Yes, marinated mushrooms can go bad. By the end of this article, you’ll know how to make marinated mushrooms, ways to find out if they are still good, and how to preserve them for a long time.




Make your own Marinated Mushrooms


If you want a delicious bite-sized snack to fill up your tummy, marinated mushrooms are just the perfect food for you. Given how easy this is to make, chances are you’ll order another takeaway for your midnight craving. So how is it made? Here’s the easy-peasy recipe for you.


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What You’ll Need


For this recipe, you will need the following ingredients.


     Olive oil





     Bay leaf



Put Them Together


     First, chop off the mushroom stems and wash them properly under running water.

     If you don’t like to have raw mushrooms, poach them with water, thyme, garlic and a pinch of salt. Gently simmer the mixture until the mushrooms are tender.

     Next, drain the poached mushrooms with a strainer.

     Now it’s time to prepare the marinade. Add the oil and vinegar with the other ingredients except for the mushrooms. Whisk the mixture. Now pour in the mushrooms and stir well so that all the mushrooms are covered. You can add more spices if you want.

     Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and store it in the fridge for at least 8 hours. If you use raw mushrooms, they should be marinated for 24 hours.

     Now that the mushrooms are marinated, it’s time to enjoy!


You can eat your marinated mushroom directly from the jar or add it to different dishes like pizza, salad and so much more!


How to Tell if Your Marinated Mushrooms are Still Good


Now that you have your marinated meaty mushrooms ready to eat, how do you know that they are still good? You can cook a large batch and use it every day but marinated mushrooms can go bad after some time. Here are a few signs you should check before using the mushrooms to make sure if it is still good and safe for consumption.


1. The Smelly Ones


Once you make your marinated mushroom, you’ll get a beautiful aroma of olive oil and vinegar. Every time you use it, it should smell like this. Any other odor indicates spoilage. So take a sniff before eating your mushroom and see if it still smells like vinegar. Otherwise, it’s time to throw it away. A new batch wouldn’t be hard to make.


2. White Molds


Check the mushroom’s body carefully. Do you see any sign of white mold? This can be hard to spot if the mold hasn’t spread that much, but you wouldn’t even want a tiny bit in your mouth anyway. So take time to inspect your mushroom for molds before you eat.


3. Dark Patches


Just like white patches, you may see black or dark brown patches on your mushrooms too. Dark patches indicate that your mushrooms have rotten. Yes, some kinds of mushrooms have different shades of brown, these rotten portions shouldn’t be hard to distinguish from the original color of the food.


4. Watch the Shapes


Mushrooms can come in all different shapes and sizes. And all sorts of mushrooms can be marinated. However, if you see any unexpected shape like a weird bulge, bend or shrunken this indicates that the mushroom is beginning to rot. So check for any abnormality in your mushrooms.


Store Safe and Smart


Did you know that your marinated mushroom can last for more than 45 days if stored properly? Doesn’t that save you so many cooking sessions? Here are some of our best storage tips for you so that you can snack with no hassle.


Freezer Over Refrigerator


Storing your canned mushrooms in a cool place will prevent microorganisms from growing and prevailing. However, cooling it in a freezer, below 0° Celsius is better. You can easily store mushrooms for 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator, while in a freezer you can preserve them for 1 to 2 months.


Water bath Canning


This method of storing the marinated mushrooms is putting the mushroom in an airtight can, placing the can in the boiling water and letting it boil for some time. This seals up the whole thing and is a very good way to preserve. And this process is USDA-approved!


Use Ascorbic Acid


According to the USDA, we may add teaspoons of ascorbic acid powder or a 500-milligram vitamin C for improved color. So, using ascorbic acid in your marinade is a great idea. If you have already marinated your mushroom without it, make your next batch adding the acid and you'll find that the batch without ascorbic acid would turn dark faster than the one with it.


The Mighty Mushroom Meal


Marinated mushrooms are the MVP if you like to snack and crave munchies now and then. Not only does it satisfy your hunger but it is also tasty and nutritious. It is easy to make and can be stored for a long time, and there are different ways you can eat it. So give your grumbling tummy some deliciousness of marinated mushrooms now.

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  1. I love mushrooms and can't wait to give your version a try. They look delicious!

  2. I love mushrooms, although I can't say the same about the rest of the family. I will have to try this out sometime.

  3. Marie Gizelle5:31 AM

    I love mushrooms, not that I'm on lowcarb I love it even more. :) I've eaten a lot of its kind but never marinated any, so thanks I will try this!


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