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Can You Make Your Home Child-Management-Proof?

 Pexels - CC0 License

As parents, we try our best to child-proof our homes and make them safe and nurturing. It’s arguably the one preparation we should do our best to make, if we have the capability and luck in doing so. 

That might include baby gates, covered outlets, and locked cabinets - we do what we can. But let's be honest, kids have a knack for finding trouble no matter what preventative steps we take.

Their curiosity and endless energy means they're always investigating and getting into new situations that is part of the joy (and utter chaos) of being a parent.

But what about managing our household for the presence of children, not just protecting our children from our households? That’s an interesting way to flip the idea. For example, is there a way to feel less worried if damage occurs as a result of your child playing, or can there be materials that ensure drawing on the walls of your household isn’t going to cause too much damage as you correct that behavior?

We believe there are a few steps you can take. Let’s consider what they may be:

Durable & Washable Materials

Kid spaces should definitely feature some heavy-duty, easily clean surfaces and fabrics. You may decide to ensure your walls are painted with one of those scrubbable matte finishes that's stain and scuff-resistant. In addition to that, leather or synthetic couches and chairs hold up way better against spills and messes compared to delicate fabrics, meaning juice, art supplies or other issues are less damaging. Even floors could be water-resistant laminates or tiles, as the benefits of luxury vinyl plank not only look great, they offer a greater degree of flexibility here as well.

Child-Height Design

Designing rooms from a child’s point of view helps prevent accidents before they happen. Keeping cabinets and shelves lower to the ground removes dangly hazards up high - this can work well in thier bedroom, and it also discourages them from climbing. Furniture with rounded edges and soft wall corners means less painful bumps and bruises too. Open layout concepts with good sightlines make it easier to keep an eye on your little ones, though be mindful of areas a toddler can run and accelerate as quickly as a Formula 1 racing car in. Ultimately, considerations like these build safety right into the home itself.

Accepting Certain Imperfections

At some point, you just have to accept things are going to become a little worn and torn with family life. Obsessing over every single smudge or ding is a recipe for constant stress and frustration. Allowing some gentle, lived-in character and imperfections helps you stay sane and not worry about maintaining a museum-level space 24/7 - which is basically impossible with little ones running around. You can implement easy storage areas or toys, play zones, play mats, and a garden shed for toys and outdoor equipment, but don’t worry if your house doesn’t look like a showroom 24/7 - it’s rare for that to happen.

With this advice, you’ll be certain to make your home child-management-proof.

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