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Halloween in New Town, Saint Charles

We are approaching our sixth Halloween in New Town.  We moved here in 2012 as a place to land before we made our big move to the city of St. Louis.  We fell in love with this place, and well, the rest is history!

Over the years here in New Town, we have watched as Halloween has grown in popularity with our residents as well as our larger community of Saint Charles. New Town is a designation spot for the local youth for trick-or-treating!

Our community is divided into several districts, ours being called The Beach District.  We are called that as there is an actual beach on a lake in our district. It is new to us this year and next year will be the official opening!  Check the link to see the Beach District in its early Halloween glory!

I love how things have progressed since 2016 and 2017.  The decorations are much more elaborate and thoughtful this year and I am eager to share them with you!

Aren't they fun?  I am having a blast with these houses!  Our neighbors like to take golf cart rides all over the community and we have been so busy looking at houses!  Here are some of our decorations for this Halloween.

I wish you a happy and safe Halloween, everyone!  May your treat bags be stuffed with the good stuff! 

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