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Inviting Summer Indoors: 11 Tips to Turn Your Home Into a Private Oasis

Anywhere you are in the world today, you are probably experiencing some travel restrictions and social-distancing regulations. While we might be able to start traveling again soon, summer is now on our doorstep, and it does not seem like we will be able to take that far-flung holiday we had in mind to enjoy. Postponing the trip of a lifetime can be quite upsetting, yet some tricks can help you turn your home into a little, private summer paradise.

Rethinking your bedroom

Photo by Burst from Pexels

While we might not always be conscious of it, we spend over a third of our days in our bedroom. At the same time, this is one of the most overlooked rooms in our homes when it comes down to plan a summer makeover. However, the tips below can help you turn it into a more enjoyable, airy environment in which to enjoy breakfast in bed on a sunny morning.

Invest in new sheets
We might not think much of our bed linen, and sometimes we even fall behind a routine of changing them regularly. However, studies have shown that failing to change them frequently can worsen respiratory diseases like asthma, and lead to skin conditions, like eczema or dermatitis.

Additionally, in summer, we sweat more, and it can be challenging to get rid of that unpleasant sweaty smell in bed. Among other things, this can be an excellent time to invest in new sheets and pillowcases. And maybe even treat yourself to high-quality fabrics that will take care of your skin's well-being while you sleep!

Add plants

Aside from giving your bedroom that beautiful tropical look, adding plants into your bedroom can have many benefits. They clean the air, refresh the oxygen in the room, and get rid of the toxins that can accumulate in the environment, especially if your bedroom only boasts a small window. However, if you pick your plants wisely, they can be beneficial in reducing anxiety and lowering stress levels.

Ultimately, if you are planning a bedroom makeover, you should keep in mind that plants are an essential element of Feng Shui to balance the feel of the environment.

Switch up the curtains

Not all bedrooms are blessed with a sliding glass door or large window. However, fresh air and natural sunlight are essential components of a room that is enjoyable and easily livable. Therefore, switching up your curtains and opting for lighter versions can be incredibly beneficial to enjoy the summer light and warmth.

Refreshing your closet

Photo by Kai Pilger from Pexels

Getting your closet ready for summer can be a therapeutic and exciting task. Don't forget that picking the right clothes for the summer season and focusing on simple, achievable tasks can bring positivity to your life.

Reuse or donate your old clothes

Donating some of your old clothes and reusing vintage items can be an excellent way to reduce your expenditures and do something amazing for yourself, the community, and the environment. If you are looking for a way to make an old garment stand out, check out the Japanese art of Sashiko. Aside from improving the look of your clothes, this can be an inspiration for a new hobby to take up this summer.

Store away your winter clothes

Properly storing away your winter clothes is an essential step to avoid ruining your favorite jumpers or jackets. While it is often considered a cumbersome task, it can be just as therapeutic as taking out your summer clothes. However, in this case, a little organization and planning are vital.

Revitalizing your garden

Photo by Peter Goldberg from Pexels

If you are lucky enough to be able to enjoy a large garden, lawn or terrace, don't miss out on turning it into a summer paradise. Especially if you won't be able to travel far this year, a garden can be where to sunbathe and host picnics and BBQs.

Taking up gardening
Indoors activities can be extremely stimulating, but, after several weeks indoors, it is entirely reasonable to wish for days in the sun and outdoor adventures. While you might not be able to make your wishes come true just yet, taking up gardening can have several benefits on your mental and physical health. And, of course, it can help you turn your garden into a more enjoyable place.

While not everybody can say they are proud of their green fingers, this is an excellent occasion to learn more about the subject and put your newly acquired skills into practice. Picking the right design and decor of your garden can also be a way to bond with your spouse or family.

Get your garden party-ready

In times of social-distancing rules and regulations, hosting large-scale parties might not be in the cards this summer. However, if you have always loved throwing parties and gatherings, you can do so with just your family around in the garden. Just don't forget to add fairy lights and a trolley with snacks and drinks.

Create a dedicated area for exercise

While outdoor exercise opportunities are still limited, and gyms are still closed, you should not miss your daily training and activities. However, rethinking your routines and exercises can be an excellent solution to staying fit and healthy while at home. Among the best practices, implementing your morning or evening routine with a mindful yoga session can yield incredible benefits. And you can do so by making the most out of a corner in your garden!

Taking up a healthy lifestyle

Photo by Ella Olsson from Pexels

While you might not have the opportunity to show off your newly crafted six-pack at the beach this summer, this should not be an excuse not to cultivate a healthy lifestyle for you and your family. Since routines can take a while to be formed, this time in which we must all stay at home is a unique opportunity to try different practices and challenges.

Filling your fridge with fresh goodness

What we most look forward to before a holiday? Food! And, even if you can't try out new delicacies and gorge on exotic fruits and vegetables, this should not stop you from filling up your fridge with delicious, fresh produce for your summer meals. Aside from giving you the chance to try out a new recipe, such a simple switch can help you meet the health and fitness goals you had in mind to achieve this year.

Exploring new recipes and diets

Switching to a different lifestyle can be a challenging matter, but it can be revolutionary! Of course, not all diets and food choices fit everybody's preferences, yet you should explore the positive effects of your choices in the first person. If you are not sure what works for you, initiatives such as Meatless Monday allow you to taste a lifestyle before committing to it.

Taking up a challenge

Switching to a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle does not only involve changing your diet. It can also refer to new ways of looking at your shopping habits, investments, and routine. Indeed, movements such as minimalism and zero-waste living offer a different perspective on the routines we have been following for years. If you are in the mood of experiencing something new this summer, pick a challenge!

Looking ahead 

While we might not be able to jump on a plane anytime soon, there is no harm in starting to plan future trips and holidays, if doing so wisely. Especially if you have been struggling during the lockdown, making plans for the future can offer you something to look forward to and lift your morale. But, for now, enjoy your safe, private summer paradise at home!

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