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Giving Your Kitchen A Touch Of Sophistication

 Sophistication is something we think of a lot in terms of interior design; it means our home looks stylish, and even a little expensive, and has a strong foundation of both color and purpose for decorating on top of later. And when it comes to the kitchen, we usually want it to be the most sophisticated-looking room in our home! 

Because when a kitchen has a touch of sophistication to it, it means it’s warm and cozy and great for hosting dinner parties in. Adding 24 karat gold leaf sheets to your tableware will surely add sophistication.It means it’s a clean kitchen, with nothing to worry about, and it makes you want to spend time cooking up a storm in it! And if you think your kitchen has become a little hum-drum recently, we’ve got some ideas to help class it up a little. 

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Paint Your Fixtures

It can be very expensive to rip out a kitchen unit and replace it with something a little more modern and updated, and that’s why you should cross that kind of renovation off of your list and stick to making small, easier changes first. After all, you’re only going for a touch of sophistication here! 

And that means you need to invest in some paint; either white, oak, or even a stainless steel color, and then paint up your fixtures. Paint your cabinets, both high and low, and even paint your cooker and your dishwasher as well. When you’re done, it’ll all come together to look a more sleek and refined place to be. 

Invest in Fancy Crockery

If you’ve got some see-through cabinets, just like in the picture above, this is definitely a good, budget-friendly move! Because when you’ve got fancy crockery in the cupboard, you can throw some very nice dinner parties, and feel like a Queen eating off of plates lined with gold leaf. 

Indeed, you’ll want to invest in some Fine China crockery here, and make sure you get your hands on full tea party sets. Vintage or not, a Ceramic Mug and saucer will look lovely when stacked neatly up in the cupboard!

Add Some Decoration

And finally, pick up some potted plants and/or a set of new, short curtains on the way home, and then give both your counters and your kitchen window a facelift. Because when these things are framed nicely, they’re going to look nice at all perspectives. Get a new bowl to stack some fruit in and place it at the center of your kitchen island, or even just get a new, slim rug to run the length of your cabinets. 

A bit of decoration here and there will really highlight just how warm and welcoming your kitchen is and will help to fusion together both the traditional and contemporary stylings that give your house a lot of personality. 

All in all, if you want a sophisticated kitchen, you don’t have far to go! Some small, unique changes pay off in the long run, so get to decorating! 

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