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6 Causes of Allergies in the Office

Just because you are sitting at your desk for hours doesn't mean that you can avoid allergens. This is especially true if the office has any of these six typical causes of allergies. Allergies are a frustrating problem, but there's no need to suffer through them when it's so easy to prevent them. 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels


It might seem like pollen would be limited to outdoor environments, but some types of pollen actually thrive indoors. Pollen particles can easily sit in the air conditioning and cause a prolonged allergic effect. This can be avoided by getting them regularly cleaned. If you are a factory owner, replacing the pocket air filters will alleviate your employees' allergic ailments. 


While there are no known chemical allergies, some people have an intolerance to certain chemicals. The most common of these is formaldehyde found in everyday products like paper towels and tissues, which can cause allergic reactions when inhaled over a prolonged period or if concentrated amounts are used. Most companies don't use dangerous levels of this type of product. However, it's still important to check with the manufacturer before bringing your own cleaning supplies into work and avoid purchasing ones you know contain high concentrations that might trigger problems for yourself or anyone else who suffers from contact dermatitis.


Mold grows with humidity; therefore, offices with poor ventilation and/or central air conditioning units may be more prone to this allergen than others. If it's not possible to bring an air purifier into work, consider using a dehumidifier during humid months and running the AC unit when temperatures rise above 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 Celsius). As always, keep surfaces clean by wiping down desks and other surfaces that are touched frequently with a disinfecting cleaner.


Dust is an allergen you're likely to find in your office, whether it's at home or work. It may seem like this one is unavoidable. Still, the good news is there are ways to lessen exposure. This includes using small fans under desk areas and wiping down surfaces regularly, and purchasing furniture for comfort rather than aesthetics, considering how often these items will be used throughout the day.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay 

Cigarette Smoke

Even though smoking indoors has been banned in many places worldwide, it still happens on occasion. So if possible, try asking smokers not to light up near entrances or outside windows where smoke can easily seep inside. If you know someone who smokes in their office, try to convince them of the benefits of doing so outside if they are open to it. If all else fails, look into getting yourself an air purifier or ionizer for your desk that will help filter out any harmful chemicals.

Pet Dander

While there is no data on whether people with pet allergies can be more sensitive during certain seasons, most veterinarians suggest keeping pets outdoors when possible and regularly cleaning up after them both at home and work when necessary. Additionally, avoid sharing drinks or eating snacks near where animals frequently shed fur and keep food stored away securely when cooking at shared workspaces. If you're wondering about how much dander might actually affect those who suffer from this allergy, consider using a HEPA filtration system that will help remove particles from the air.

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