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What Repairs Might You Need To Make After A Storm?

Storms can strike anywhere, almost at any time. They are common in some places in the summer, whereas other areas have winter storms. Some have both. Some barely have any. Some regions, however, are more susceptible to storms than others. It’s helpful to know what the likelihood of being involved in a storm where you live is so that you can be prepared. 


Although most of the time storms aren’t something to be worried about, they can sometimes cause damage to your house. Once the storm has passed, it’s always wise to check around to see if any repairs and work need to be done. If work is required, you’ll need to do it right away, or – something that is often better – get expert storm damage repair professionals to do it for you. 


Here are the renovations you might need to do after a major storm.


Photo by Dziana Hasanbekava from Pexels



Sometimes a storm will bring hail with it. Hail can cause extensive damage to gutters, tiles, and even make holes in the roof. As a result, it’s critical to assess the amount of damage done to your roof after a storm. Hopefully, there won’t be any, but it could be bad news, and it’s best to find out sooner rather than later.


Leaks, if not repaired promptly, can cause swelling and mold development in your ceiling. After a major storm, contact a professional roofer to inspect your house for leaks. If you see water stains on the walls or ceiling, it is critical that you get the work done as quickly as possible. 



Large hail storms can cause some roof shingles to fall off. For your personal safety, you should hire a reputable storm damage contractor to inspect your roof and determine if any of the shingles are missing. 


You’ll need to look for dimpling and fractures produced by the storm damage. Ignore even the tiniest flaws in the roof, and they will undermine the integrity of the shingles and cause them to deteriorate over time. The problem will only get bigger if you do nothing about it. 


Loose Shingles 

As we’ve said, shingles can fall during a severe storm. Take a look around the yard to see if you can spot any of the tiles that may have fallen and landed there. They might be broken into pieces, and you should clear these up right away. 


When tiles fall, they will definitely leave a hole. When lots of tiles have fallen, there will be a bigger hole or many smaller ones. Either way, this is damage that must be fixed, even if it was just one tile that fell or became loose. 


Damaged Externals 

Wind damage can shatter glass, dent a vehicle, or even force a tree to fall on your car or home. Not only that, but big hailstones can cause damage to drains, gutters, and chimneys. 


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