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7 Ways To Save On Your Energy Bills

 With the rising cost of living, now is the time to be more environmentally conscious and reduce your energy consumption. We've compiled some suggestions for you and your family to cut back on energy usage in every room of the house.


It doesn't matter if you own your own house, are a private renter, are a student, or still live at home with your parents; everyone has options. 


Home energy consumption is the shared responsibility of every household. Take a look at our suggestions and see if any of them will help you reduce your monthly expenses.


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Turn The Thermostat Down

This is one of the things on this list that is the easiest to do. A typical home's bills will go down by four percent a year for every degree the thermostat is turned down.


The World Health Organization says that 18 degrees is fine for healthy adults, but that people who are very old or very young need a little bit higher temperatures. So try putting on a sweater at home if you’re chilly and seeing what temperature is comfortable for your family. Not only could it save you money, but it might make you healthier too.


Also, when it comes to heating, people often argue about whether it is cheaper to leave the heat on low all day or just turn it on when you need it. The consensus these days seems to be that it’s better to only use the heating when you actually need it if you want to be kinder to your bank account and the environment. 


Don’t Use The Standby Option

People say that when a device is left on standby, the average household wastes as much as 7,374 hours of electricity per year.


It's not hard to deal with this issue. Many of us, for example, turn off our phones but leave the charger constantly plugged in. And some things, like TVs, don't have an easy-to-find switch to turn them on or off so we just leave them as they are. However, making the effort to turn things off properly - no matter what it takes - is one of the best ways to save money and protect the planet. 


This is because leaving devices on standby uses power. This is sometimes called "vampire energy," and it can really add up over the course of a year. Unplugging makes sense, but how much you can save will depend on how much you pay for electricity now and how energy-efficient your device is. Also remember that even when it's not being used, most newer equipment uses less energy.


Bleed Your Radiators 

If you have gas central heating with radiators, you'll need to bleed them every now and then to keep them working well because air in the system can stop hot water from circulating. It's best to do it at least once a year, preferably before you turn on your heater for the winter. 


Also, if we're talking about radiators, make sure your couch isn't against one. Leave a few inches between them so that heat can move around the room better. This will save you money because you can turn your thermostat down, and it will mean you're warmer in general. 


Replace Your Showerhead

It might seem too easy, but if you switch out an old showerhead, the rate of water flow will slow down. This will cut your water use without forcing you to take shorter showers. Look for showerheads with a WaterSense rating, which is like an Energy Star rating but specific to how much water is used and how fast it flows.


Older showerheads use a lot of water and waste more water by making mist. Newer showerheads, on the other hand, use less water and waste less water while still making showering enjoyable. The technology behind shower heads has really come a long way, so you won't just get a trickle of water anymore if you opt to change the showerhead to a more energy-efficient one. 


Reduce Air Leakage And Add Insulation 

Air leaks are a big reason why your home doesn't work as well as it could and why it is less energy efficient. When warm air escapes in the winter and cool air escapes in the summer, your heating and cooling systems have to work harder.


A home energy audit can find places where air leaks out and places where insulation would help, but anyone could be able to find these things on their own. Start by looking around your windows and doors for any obvious cracks that could let air in or out. Depending on where you find air leaks, you may be able to fix the problem with weatherstripping, sealant, or caulk. In other situations, you might need to replace your windows and doors to save energy. Speak to an energy saving window company to find out what your options are. 


If your attic is unfinished, you might want to insulate it so that it doesn't get too hot or too cold in the winter or summer. This will help your HVAC system heat and cool the living space right below the attic without having to work as hard.


Be Careful With Water In The Kitchen 

One of the most-used items in the kitchen is the kettle. But many of us will admit that we sometimes put more water in the kettle than we need to boil. If you don't overfill the kettle, you can save money on your electricity bill every year. In other words, only heat the water you actually intend to use. 


You could also put an aerator on your current kitchen tap to reduce how much water comes out without changing how well it washes or rinses. An aerator is a small device with tiny holes that you can attach to the spout of a tap. They are cheap and easy to install, and they make an excellent money-saving device. 


Install Solar Panels 

Solar panels on roofs are becoming more common, especially in sunny places, and they can be a great way to save money on your utility bill.


Do a lot of research to find out if solar panels would be a good choice for your home. In your area, you might be able to get a rebate or tax break for putting in solar panels. But first, you need to insulate your attic, seal holes where air leaks out, find "energy vampires," and choose new, energy-efficient appliances.

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